Johanna Chamberlain
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 68 56
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 167 97 38
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
- Postal address:
- Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- LL.D., docent
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Short presentation
My background is in Tort Law and Data Protection Law. I defended my PhD dissertation "Privacy Torts in Sweden" in October 2020 at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University. At the Commercial Law Sector, Department of Business Studies, I conduct research within WASP-HS funded project "AI and the Financial Markets". My focus within the project is on issues relating to liability for AI systems in the developing EU regulations and the legal handling of AI related risks.
Photo: Tobias Björkgren
- ansvar
- artificiell intelligens
- dataskydd
- it-rätt
- miljöskada
- personlig integritet
- riskhantering
- sanktionsavgifter
- skadestånd
- skadeståndsrätt
Background, education and positions
Studies in Spanish and Russian at St. Petersburg State University, the University of Manchester and the University of Uppsala
Law programme, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University, 2010-2015
LL.B February 2015
Amanuensis, Law Programme Term Course 5, Faculty of Law, 2012-2015
Lecturer, Law Programme Term Course 2, Faculty of Law, Spring 2015
Doctoral candidate in Private Law (Tort Law), 2015-2020
Doctor of Laws October 2020
Postdoctoral researcher at the Commercial Law Sector, Department of Business Studies, September 2021-September 2023
Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, October 2023-
Law programme: Introduction course, Term Course 2, Term Course 6, advanced level courses Tort Law and Information and Law, Master thesis supervision
Commercial Law Sector: Commercial Law Introduction course, Master thesis course and supervision, Master's programme in International and European Law and Business, IT Law
Department of Information Technology: Advanced course Data, Ethics and Law
Areas of Interest
Tort Law, IT Law, Personal Integrity and Data Protection, AI, Accountability, Administrative fines, Risk regulation
Prizes and positions of trust
Winner of Alumnistiftelsens essay prize for best master thesis, 2015
Doctoral Council, 2016-2018
Education Committee, 2017-2018
Equal opportunities group, 2016-2019
Recent publications
- Resursslöseri att alltid kräva etikprövning (2023)
- JO 2022/23 s. 280. Polismyndigheten har med tvång fotograferat en persons mc-väst och körkort utan stöd i lag och därigenom kränkt hans rätt till privatliv enligt artikel 8 i Europakonventionen (2023)
- Ideell skada enligt dataskyddsförordningen (2023)
- Data protection beyond data protection regulation (2023)
- Supervision of Artificial Intelligence in the EU and the Protection of Privacy (2023)
All publications
- JO 2022/23 s. 280. Polismyndigheten har med tvång fotograferat en persons mc-väst och körkort utan stöd i lag och därigenom kränkt hans rätt till privatliv enligt artikel 8 i Europakonventionen (2023)
- Ideell skada enligt dataskyddsförordningen (2023)
- Supervision of Artificial Intelligence in the EU and the Protection of Privacy (2023)
- Datadelning enligt dataskyddsförordningen (2023)
- Datadelning enligt dataskyddsförordningen (2023)
- Stig Strömholm och vägen till ett skadeståndsrättsligt integritetsskydd (2022)
- The Risk-Based Approach of the European Union’s Proposed Artificial Intelligence Regulation (2022)
- A short genealogy of risk and trust in EU law (2022)
- Effektiva, proportionerliga, avskräckande? (2021)
- Public Registries as Tools for Realising the Swedish Welfare State – Can the State still Be Trusted? (2021)
- The Relationship Between Damages and Administrative Fines in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2020)
- Det europarättsliga privatlivsskyddet i svensk rätt (2019)
- Är rätten till privata bilder hotad? (2017)
- Skadestånd vid felaktig behandling av personuppgifter (2015)
- Data protection beyond data protection regulation (2023)
- Skadeståndslagens begrepp och utvecklingen i praxis (2022)
- Förord (2022)
- The Swedish Understanding of Privacy as a Fundamental Right in a Comparative Perspective – (2019)
- "Synnerligen" eller "särskilt" ömmande omständigheter - blir det någon skillnad? (2013)