Within the discipline Latin research on language and literature primarily from antiquity, but also from the medieval and modern eras, is conducted.
There are written documents in Latin from the 8th or 7th century BC up to our own time. The earliest inscriptions were made at a time when Latin was just one of many languages spoken in what is now central Italy. Later on, however, the little Indo-European dialect from the area around the Tiber became the administrative language in the vast Roman Empire, and the language spoken in the large areas conquered by the Romans. The Romans also developed a literature of their own quite early on, with key figures such as Virgil, Cicero, Livius, and Ovid, who have come to exert an almost immeasurable influence on western culture and art up until the present day.
After the fall of the Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century AD, Latin lived on, and the Germanic tribes who now lived on what previously was roman territory, eventually, and almost entirely, abandoned their own languages in favour of Latin – or rather Proto-Romance, which Latin had by then developed into.
During the Carolingian renaissance around 800, increasing attention was paid to the difference between the spoken Proto-Romance language and the written language of the ancient Romans. This period also marks the birth of a renewed interest in the literary heritage of the Romans. During the Middle Ages Latin diffused across vast areas outside the former Roman territory through the Catholic Church. Medieval Latin is in different ways influenced by various forms of Latin from Late Antiquity, for instance by the Latin written by the fathers of the church from the 4th and 5th centuries AD.
Around 1500, however, it became fashionable to imitate the Latin of the Roman classics and the so-called Neo-Latin was born. Latin functioned as the means of communication in the church, at the universities and in international diplomacy until the 18th century. It was, however, gradually abandoned in favour of the modern languages. It was not definitely abandoned in the Scandinavian universities until the early 19th century and it is still the official language of the Catholic Church.
There are a lot of texts from this long period. We have documents which are contemporary with the text found in it: these are often, especially in the earlier periods, inscriptions on stone, clay or metal. The literary texts are, however, mostly preserved in manuscripts, which in most cases are considerably later than the texts themselves. Latin is one of the best documented early languages and it is one of few languages in the world which are documented during a very long period of time. The history of the Latin language therefore gives us an excellent picture of how a language can change over time, which is important to the general linguist. To the Latinist the history of the language is of importance for the correct understanding of the texts but also for a correct understanding of the mistakes in the manuscripts in which most older Latin texts are preserved.
Roman literature, preserved from the decades just before 200 BC, and up until the end of antique times, in many respects represent a direct continuation of, and a development of, Greek literature. The literary blossoming which took place in the third century BC around the library in Alexandria, provided a fruitful impulse to Roman poets such as Catullus and Virgil, who carried on the tradition, adding their own specifically Roman traits, and created works which have made up the foundations of western literature as a whole. The statesman Cicero, one of the first orators in history, carried on the heritage of Demosthenes, and also became an important intermediary of Greek philosophy in Roman form. Historians such as Livius and Tacitus told the history of the empire in stylistically accomplished Latin.
Research in the field of Latin in Uppsala deals with texts from the entire period of the long and varied history of the Latin language, with a clear focus on antique Latin. The texts are studied from a linguistic and philological as well as from a literary and historical point of view. The research on the texts from the Ancient period (ca. 600 BC–ca. 600 AD) focuses on linguistic problems as well as on literary, philosophical and historical ones. Both literary texts and epigraphy are dealt with.
Staff consists of Gerd Haverling (professor), Christer Henriksén (professor) and two active PhD students: Micaela Brembilla (medical Latin of Late antiquity) and Carl Erixon (Latin language).
Researchers connected to the department are Karin Westin Tikkanen (Italic languages), Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe (ancient Latin literature, patristics), and Annie Burman (Etruscology). Also connected are Neo-Latin scholars Hans Helander (professor emeritus), Peter Sjökvist (researcher), Elena Dahlberg (researcher), Josef Eskhult (researcher), who all work on different aspects of Neo-Latin. The research on Neo-Latin deals with both text editions and studies on the linguistic, literary and historical context of the texts
Group members
Micaela Brembilla, PhD student
Carl Erixon, PhD student
Gerd Haverling, professor
Hans Helander, professor emeritus
Christer Henriksén, professor
Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe, researcher (retired)
Part of Latin Manuscripts in Medieval Norway, p. 271-278, Novus Press, 2013
A Commentary on Martial Epigrams Book 9
Oxford University Press, 2012
A Companion to Ancient Epigram
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2019
A Comparative Grammar of Latin and the Sabellian Languages: The System of Case Syntax
Part of Eranos, p. 14-19, 2005
Part of "Gelehrte Liebesnöte" – Lateinischer Petrarkismus der Frühen Neuzeit, p. 329-353, Walter de Gruyter, 2022
Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010
A Vadstena Preacher Using 'Cut and Paste'
Part of Medieval Sermon Studies, p. 45-54, 2011
Actionality, tense, and viewpoint: chapter 4
Part of New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax 2, p. 277-523, Mouton de Gruyter, 2010
An antiquarian pursuit: Magnus Rönnow’s poem Scanicae Runae cum Ense Thorsiöensi (1716)
Part of Arctos, p. 57-64, 2022
Part of Lychnos, p. 265-268, 2023
Part of Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning, p. 51-112, 2010
Part of Boreas Rising, p. 129-150, Walter de Gruyter, 2019
Ariadne på Naxos.: Översättning och kommentar till Catullus 64.50–226
Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi, Uppsala universitet, 2018
Bakgrunden till Kellgrens ”Öfver Propertii Buste”
Part of Sjuttonhundratal, p. 90-100, 2014
Part of Rhetorica Scandinavica, p. 73-76, 2010
Bröllop hos Schefferus och andra dikter av Petrus Lagerlöf
Lagerlöfska släktföreningen, 2010
Challenging and Championing St Birgitta's Revelations at the Councils of Constance and Basel
Part of A Companion to Birgitta of Sweden, p. 103-131, Brill Academic Publishers, 2019
Chrysoloras’ Erotemata, and the evolution of grammatical descriptions
Part of Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft, p. 33-56, 2018
Comparative Historical Syntax: The genitive case in Latin and the Sabellian languages
Part of Formal Linguistics and the Teaching of Latin, p. 173-186, 2011
CONSPECTUS EUROPAE ANNO 1704: En latinsk betraktelse över ett krigshärjat Europa
Part of Karolinska förbundets årsbok 2012, p. 23-47, Karolinska förbundet, 2012
Cornelius Nepos: Hannibal, Cato, Atticus: Med översättning och kommentar
Uppsala universitet, 2014
Critical and Interpretative Notes on Boethius, arithm. II, 30
Part of Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XIII, p. 479-493, Éditions Latomus, 2006
Cronaca del 16th Colloquium on Latin Linguistics: Uppsala 6th-11th June 2011
Part of Bollettino di studi latini, p. 785-791, 2011
Italienska Kulturinstitutet ”C. M. Lerici”, 2012
Part of Neo-Latin News, p. 168-170, 2016
Dedicatory Practices in Early Uppsala Dissertations
Part of Early Modern Disputations and Dissertations in an Interdisciplinary and European Context, p. 681-702, Brill Academic Publishers, 2021
Der Black-out des Aneas: Zur Frage der Diskrepanz zwischen zweitem und drittem Buch der Aeneis
Part of Eranos, p. 113-116, 1983
Einar Löfstedt e la filologia classica in Svezia
Part of Einar Löfstedt nei percorsi della linguistica e della filologia latina, p. 11-23, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2007
Eine kritisch-exegetische Bemerkung zu Hier. in Ezech. 1, 4 ll. 1197 - 1201
Part of Wiener Studien, p. 141-144, 2012
Part of Sjuttonhundratal, p. 108-110, 2009
- DOI for Elisabet Göransson, Letters of a Learned Lady: Sophia Elisabeth Brenner’s Correspondence, with an Edition of her Letters to and from Otto Sperling the Younger, Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 14 (Lund: Almquist & Wiksell International, 2006). 262 pp.
- Download full text (pdf) of Elisabet Göransson, Letters of a Learned Lady: Sophia Elisabeth Brenner’s Correspondence, with an Edition of her Letters to and from Otto Sperling the Younger, Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 14 (Lund: Almquist & Wiksell International, 2006). 262 pp.
En prodansk smädedikt av Heinrich Braker från det stora nordiska kriget
Part of Latinet i tiden, p. 81-92, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2014
Esculapius’ De stomacho: Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Evurte Jollivet’s Fulmen in Aquilam (1636): A Protestant Aeneid
Feofan Prokopowich’s Panegyricos, 1709. Session: Neo-Latin Translations of Vernacular Texts
Forskning om musikteori från 1600-talet
Part of Musikbiblioteksnytt, p. 9, 2010
Part of Kratylos, p. 122-126, 2008
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2023
Part of Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, p. 262-264, 2006
Gregorius av Tours och antikens slut
Part of Förbistringar och förklaringar, p. 311-319, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet, 2008
Gustaf Peringer's speech in praise of the Oriental languages (1674)
Part of Orientalia Suecana, p. 135-144, 2008
Harald Vallerius: Om musikens förmåga att väcka våra affekter
Part of Tidig musik, p. 24-25, 2009
Part of Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2010
Hor. Carm. 1.28.23-5: adnotatiuncula critica
Part of Mnemosyne (Lugduni Batavorum. Print), p. 138-139, 2008
Humanistic Latin Versions of the Hebrew Old Testament
Part of Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Budapestinensis, 2006
Il latino classico e la storia della lingua latina
Part of La nozione di classico in linguistica, p. 45-56, Il Calamo, 2014
Il latino letterario della tarda antichità
Part of Latin Vulgaire - Latin Tardif X, p. 845-872, Bergamo University Press, 2014
Part of The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Latin Textual Criticism, Oxford University Press, 2024
Inside Epigram: Intratextuality in Martial’s Epigrams, Book 10
Part of Intratextuality and Latin Literature, p. 397-406, Walter de Gruyter, 2018
Jacob Thode’s Laudes (1720): Intertexts within Neo-Latin Literature
Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Latin Dissertations from Sweden, ca. 1755–1815
Part of The Latin Language and the Enlightenment, p. 315-335, Liverpool University Press, 2023
Part of Kratylos. Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, p. 187-190, 2010
Kollokvium i juni: latinsk lingvistik
Part of Språkröret: In formationsblad för språkvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Uppsala universitet, 2011
La suffixation "diminutive" du latin préclassique et classique au latin tardif
Part of La quantification en latin, p. 225-257, L'Harmattan (Collection Kubaba), 2011
Lactanz und Varro: Beobachtungen zu Inst. 1,13,8 an Hand einiger Stellen der 'Civitas Dei' Augustins
Part of Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, p. 162-186, 1994
Lars Fornelius's Gustavus Sago-Togatus (1631): A Latin Poem in the Service of Swedish State-Building
"Late, and not of special distinction?": The misunderstood Life of St Fintan of Clonenagh
Part of Ossory, Laois and Leinster, p. 28-49, 2005
Latin as a Language of Early Modern Musicology.: Three Treatises from 17th Century Sweden
Part of Musiktheorie in Mitteleuropa / in der Slowakei im 16.−19. Jahrhundert – Music Theory in Central Europe / in Slovakia in 16th – 19th Centuries, p. 9-14, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Komenského, 2021
Part of Shaping the Bible in the Reformation, p. 167-185, Brill Academic Publishers, 2012
Part of Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, p. 31-67, 2006
Latin Epigram in the Early Empire
Part of A Companion to Ancient Epigram, p. 459-474, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2019
Latin tardif littéraire et latin tardif parlé
Part of Latin vulgaire - Latin tardif IX, Lyon, 2-6 septembre 2009, p. 91-102, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2012
Part of True Warriors? Negotiating Dissent in the Intellectual Debate (c. 1100-1700), p. 367-392, Brepols, 2023
Part of Historisk Tidskrift för Finland, p. 351-361, 2008
Le discours indirect et la question des temps et des modes en latin tardif
Part of De lingua latina, p. 1-16, 2016
Le flottement entre les cas en latin tardif: chapter 20
Part of Grammatical Case in the Languages of the Middle East and Europe, p. 275-296, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2011
Part of La Lettre d'information Médicine Antique et Médievale, p. 169-170, 2007
Les verbes en –sc– et la notion d’inchoativité chez les grammairiens tardifs
Part of Polyphonia Romana, p. 781-791, Georg Olms Verlag AG, 2013
Lidners avhandling om den amerikanska revolutionen
Part of Poetens monopolium, p. 341-357, ellerströms, 2009
Part of Bryn Mawr Classical Review, p. 1-3, 2018
Literary late Latin and the development of the spoken language
Part of Variation and Change in Greek and Latin, p. 153-176, Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens, 2012
Literary Late Latin and the development of the spoken language
Part of Variation and Change in Greek and Latin, Problems and Methods, p. 153-176, The Finnish Institute at Athens, 2012
Lost - and found - in transmission.: The Creation of the Oscan Alphabet
Part of Migration, Mobility and Language Contact in and around the Ancient Mediterranean, p. 98-121, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Part of Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft, p. 128-132, 2009
Magnus Rönnows latinpoesi och den svenska självbilden
Marcus Tullius Cicero: När allt gick under: Brev i urval
Natur och kultur, 2017
Martial, Book IX: A commentary. Vol. 1, Vol. 2
Part of Kratylos. Kritisches Berichts- und Rezenionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, p. 187-190, 2010
Minnet av ett språk: Latinet i Cori
Part of Språkens magi, p. 255-266, Göteborgs universitet, 2017
Moral Philosophy and Roman Rhetoric in Neo-Latin war writings from early modern Sweden
[Peter Sjökvist och Krister Östlund], 2015
Mot studenternas missbruk av boktryckarkonsten
Part of Att dikta för livet, döden och evigheten, p. 515-527, Makadam Förlag, 2020
Part of Papers in Italian Archaeology VII: The Archaeology of Death, p. 138-148, Archeopress, 2018
National, Religious and Cultural Identity in Latin Poetry from the Great Northern War (1700-1721)
Part of Renæssanceforum, p. 193-218, 2016
Part of Acta conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis, p. 995-1005, 2012
Part of Mnemosyne (Lugduni Batavorum. Print), p. 665-669, 2014
Part of Latinet i tiden, p. 29-48, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 2014
Notes on (Ps.?) Balbus gromaticus pp. 107.10-108.8 ed. Lachmann
Part of Cambridge Classical Journal, p. 1-28, 2013
Nuns and Latin, with special reference to the Birgittines at Vadstena
Part of Nuns' Literacies in Medieval Europe, p. 97-118, 2013
Part of Romhorisont, p. 17-18, 2015
Part of Classica. Meddelanden från Svenska Klassikerförbundet., p. 6-11, 2018