Degree project (15, 30, 45 cr)

Are you interested in conducting your Degree project in one of the subjects that we teach at the Department of Pharmacy? Every term we welcome students that carry out individual projects at one of our research environments. Apply via our Faculty Project Portal or contact us and we will tell you more about your opportunities.

Degree project (15, 30, 45 cr)

Your independent work must be based on a solid scientific basis and carried out under the guidance of a supervisor in close connection with ongoing research or development projects. In connection with your project, you will deepen your knowledge of scientific theory and research methodology.

During your degree project, you will apply the knowledge you have acquired during your previous studies. The work will highlight the connections between basic education, research and development work with links to your future professional life and the methods that are used in your field of science.

The subject of your project is decided by the examiner at the Faculty of Pharmacy following consultation with you and your supervisor. You present your degree project in writing, orally and with a poster or a talk at the Faculty symposium organized at the end of the term. You also have the opportunity - with good foresight - to carry out your degree project abroad, for more information contact Maria Kjellsson.

Maria Kjellsson, Professor
Department of Pharmacy


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