UCDP Papers
The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) and associated researchers at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research have published a number of papers within the UCDP Paper Series. Full-text versions are available in the online catalogue DiVA, through the links below. For more recent publications, please see the UCDP publications webpage as well as the UCDP Bulletin webpage.
- Eck, Kristine. A beginner's guide to conflict data. Finding the right dataset. (2005)
- Brosché, Johan. Darfur - Dimensions and Dilemmas of a Complex Situation (2008)
- Sundberg, Ralph. Revisiting One-sided Violence - A Global and Regional Analysis (2009)
- Strandow, Daniel, Michael Findley, Daniel Nielson, and Josh Powell. The UCDP and AidData codebook on georeferencing aid. Version 1.1 (2011)
- Möller, Frida. Identifying Conflict Prevention Measures: Comparing Two Approaches (2010)
- Lindgren, Mathilda, Peter Wallensteen, and Helena Grusell. Meeting the New Challenges to International Mediation (2010)
- Johansson, Emma, Joakim Kreutz, Peter Wallensteen, Christian Altpeter, Sara Lindberg, Mathilda Lindgren, Ausra Padskocimaite. A New Start for EU Peacemaking? Past Record and Future Potential (2010)
- Forsberg, Erika, Allard Duursma, and Laura Grant. Theoretical and Empirical Considerations in the Study of Ethnicity and Conflict. Summary Report from an International Workshop at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research. (2012)
- Erik Melander. Organized Violence in the World 2015. An Assessment by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program. (2015)
- For questions regarding UCDP and our data please contact us by e-mail:
- ucdp@pcr.uu.se