Forskningsinfrastruktur VR SuperADAM 2017
- Period: 2018-01-01 – 2025-12-31
- Funder: Swedish Research Council
- Type of funding: Forskningsinfrastruktur
Infrastructure: SuperADAM
Project title: Super ADAM @ ILL
Main applicant: Björgvin Hjörvarsson, Division of Materials Physics
Funder: Research infrastructures of national interest from the Swedish Research Council
The Super ADAM instrument is a state of the art neutron reflectometer, located at Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France, running the highest neutron flux research reactor, worldwide. The Super ADAM instrument is ideally located, which is reflected in the impact and demand for beamtime. The Super ADAM project concerns the operation of the infrastructure, making it accessible to Swedish researchers, both for conducting cutting edge science as well as training through research. The operation is regulated by a CRG contract between ILL and Uppsala University. The training is essential, providing an important competence platform required for the future Swedish utilisation of European Spallation Source (ESS). The aims of the Super ADAM project are therefore threefold: (i) to provide training possibilities through research, (ii) provide infrastructure for conducting internationally competitive research, and finally, (iii) provide a platform and remain as a driving force for instrument and method development.
The scientific areas which benefit directly from the access includes e.g. scattering from:
- magnetic layers, superlattices, heterostructures and magnetic meta-materials
- self-assembly of surfactants, polymers, lipids and proteins at solid and liquid interfaces
- rearrangement processes in thin films (e.g. diffusion, annealing, exchange)
- encapsulation in and release from e.g. drug delivery materials
- chemical and biochemical surface interactions and reactions
- hydrogen in metals
Super Adam will play an important role in these research areas, offering unique information not available by any other research tool.