Ongoing Research

Religious literacy in schools and society (Malin Löfstedt, Mia Lövheim, Anna Wrammert, Maximilian Broberg)

This research project explores religious education as an arena for how teachers and pupils understand and respond to changing notions of religion in society. The research assumes a practical approach. It draws on results from previous studies in the sociology of religion and didactics of religion regarding how religion is portrayed in various media and the political debate. It tests theories with a focus on developing religious literacy and religious media literacy in addition to models for constructive criticism of religion.

Migration, return migration, and resilience (Önver Cetrez)

A Horizon Europe project, GAPs, examines the disconnects between expectations of return policies and their outcomes. It aims at shedding light on the perspectives of migrants themselves to understand their knowledge of return policies, aspirations, and experiences, paying specific attention to their resilience, coping, existential concerns, and how these impact on their general health. The project, which is coordinated through the faculty of theology, is multi-disciplinary and comparative, with empirical studies conducted in 11 countries, in Europe, Africa, and the broader Middle East. This new project is a continuation of the prior Horizon 2020 RESPOND project.

Coping and resilience from a cultural perspective (Önver Cetrez)

International studies on coping and resilience in contexts such as Covid-19 and cancer are ongoing in collaboration with researchers from the University of Gävle. These studies use both survey and interview methods.

Elderly women’s voluntary work as social practice (Mia Lövheim, Martha Middlemiss LéMon)

The project explores voluntary work carried out by women born between 1940 and 1955 in the Church of Sweden and humanitarian organisations. In addition, it looks at how social backgrounds and values, relationships and practical work shape and maintain this work. The project is being conducted in collaboration with the research department at the Church of Sweden.

Integration and tradition: the growth of a Syriac Orthodox Church in Sweden (Önver Cetrez)

This project investigates the integration processes in three Syriac Orthodox congregations in Sweden. It focuses on the way the congregations are organised, the state of the leadership and how it has changed in Sweden; how religious rituals are changed and reinterpreted, and religious education within the congregations. The Swedish Research Council has financed the project

Pentecostal migrants in Sweden: impact and challenges? (Katarina Westerlund)

This multidisciplinary project explores religious migration by studying three Pentecostal migrant congregations in the Stockholm region. What role does religion play for these migrants in Sweden and what challenges do they encounter in secular Swedish society? The Swedish Research Council has financed the project.

