Systematic Theology
Research within Systematic Theology involves primarily a philosophical and history of ideas study of the religious ideas and traditions of thought, worldviews, philosophies, isms and ideologies that have formed our culture. This is undertaken within two orientations: Worldviews Research and Christian Theology and Islamic Theology. There is close collaboration between these two orientations and the weekly seminars are held jointly.
The study of Christian teachings and Christian thought traditions has a central place in the history and self –understanding of the research discipline, in combination with the study of many other religious, philosophical and secular thought traditions, which have been critical interaction partners for Christian thought. Jewish thought traditions also have a given place in the research conducted.
Islamic Theology and its different strands and schools is studied broadly both in history and the present. An important field is the study of the interaction between Islamic teachings and philosophical, legal and other thought traditions within the Muslim context and its influence over Muslim thought. In addition particular interest is focused on how Muslim thought is established and developed in a western cultural context.
Research is not limited to traditional source texts, but also focuses other material. Here particular mention can be given to a growing interest in different literary and artistic materials. Within the research discipline there exists a strong tradition of gender and power critical reflection. Research is led and developed with the ambition to support and develop diversity of methods, theories and material studied.