Book a Guided tour

On this page, you will find information if you are interested in visiting Gustavianum with a group on your own or wish to book a guided tour.

In five newly produced exhibitions, a wide selection of items from the university's unique collections is presented. Over the centuries, these collections have evolved and today consist of items from ancient cultures in Egypt and around the Mediterranean, archaeological and historical items from the Nordic region, extensive art and coin collections, as well as numerous scientific instruments. The combination of the historical building's architectural qualities and the exhibitions offers a completely new experience of the museum and its rich cultural heritage.

Group visit with a guided tour

Gustavianum offers high-quality group tours on weekdays, weekends, and evenings. The tour staff consists of experienced museum educators or students at Uppsala University. They provide both historical and contemporary perspectives in encounters with the exhibited items.

To get the most out of your visit, we have compiled three suggestions for themes for a guided tour. To the extent possible, we are happy to adapt to the preferences of your group.

1. The Anatomical Theater and the Augsburg Art Cabinet

The tour focuses on Gustavianum's most famous museum items: the anatomical theater and the Augsburg Art Cabinet. The anatomical theater was created by Olof Rudbeck the Elder and is today one of three preserved dissection rooms in Europe from the 1600s. The cabinet from Augsburg was donated to Gustav II Adolf in 1632. The cabinet, with its thousand items, is today the only cabinet of its kind with its collections intact.

2. Highlights from the Collections

The tour winds like an exploration through Gustavianum's new exhibitions, making well-chosen stops in art, archaeology, and the history of science/university history to provide a deeper understanding and more perspectives on different eras. Through a wealth of stories tied to the objects, their individual histories can be highlighted.

3. The University's Art Collection

Uppsala University owns one of the country's largest art collections, which was previously only accessible to a limited extent. Now, large parts of this unique collection have moved into Gustavianum. The tour presents a selection of the finest works from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The famous art cabinet from Augsburg stands in a central place.

Duration of the Tour

A tour is approximately 60 minutes long.

Number of Participants

Maximum 30 people per booked tour. For the best experience of the tour, this number of participants should not be exceeded.


Weekdays during the museum's opening hours, except Mondays: 1,000 SEK plus entrance fee. Weekend/evening: 2,500 SEK plus entrance fee

Book a Guided Tour

If you are interested in booking a guided tour, you should use our booking form.

Group Visit on Your Own or with an External Guide As a group, you can either visit Gustavianum on your own or with an external guide. To make your visit and that of other groups as good as possible, we ask you to book your visit in advance, preferably one week in advance. This is to avoid overbookings in the museum halls.


Cancellation of a booked guided tour must be made at least 24 hours before the announced visit. Otherwise, the tour fee will be charged.

