Creating links to library e-resources

If you want to save or share a link to one of the library's e-resources, it is not sufficient to copy the address from your browser's address bar. You need to consider the following:

Create links that work outside the University network

If you want to link to an article or e-book provided by the University Library, it is important to add a "proxy prefix" so that the link will also work outside the University's network. Note that only students, researchers and employees at Uppsala University can open the links from outside the University's network.

The proxy prefix to be pasted in front of the address in the browser's address bar is:

A direct link with a proxy prefix can look like this:

It is important to use permanent links for articles and e-books. Copying web addresses directly from your browser's address bar sometimes includes session data, which can cause the link to fail at a later date.

Permanent web addresses

Many publishers give their articles permanent web addresses. For example, it may say "Bookmark this page as" or "Permanent link to this article". These links are permanent and can therefore be used in course reading lists, etc.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Other publishers assign each article a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). These are permanent and work even if the content is moved to another web address. An example of a DOI is 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.03.045.

For the link to work, put in front of the DOI. When combined with the proxy prefix, the example looks like this:


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