Eating and shopping

Cafégäster sitter under blommande äppelträd i klonarkivet på Linnés Hammarby.

Summertime the estate Hammarby was a welcome retreat from the busy town for Carl Linnaeus. After the death of the famous scientist his wife and daughters lived at the farm year around.

Where the stable once stood you now find a museum shop and a local café. Outside in the apple orchard you will find cosy seatings.


Eat and drink

There are many nice coffehouses and restaurants in the blocks surrounding the garden. Several also offer outdoor seating.

At Café Carl von Linnés bakficka, which looks out over the Linnaeus Garden, you can enjoy good salads, have a cup of coffee, eat lunch or have a home made Italian ice cream.

Café Sara Lisa / Triller at Hammarby

At Linnaeus’ Hammarby, Café Sara Lisa welcomes you with a cosy atmosphere and organic produce. They offer healthy, fresh and filling salads, sandwiches, soups and other tasty dishes. Delicious cakes and pastries are on offer, with coffee or a wide selection of teas.

The café is open May–September with resticted opening hours in May and September.

We recommend groups to contact Triller Mat & Bröd for menus.

Closed on Midsummer Eve.

Contact Café Sara Lisa /Triller Mat & Bröd

juice and sweets at the café area at Linnaeus' Hammarby

Opening times

  • May: Friday (no lunch dishes), Saturday–Sunday
  • June–August: Tuesday–Sunday
  • September: Saturday–Sunday

Week 38

  • Monday 16/09
  • Tuesday 17/09
  • Wednesday 18/09
  • Thursday 19/09
  • Friday 20/09
  • Saturday 21/09
    11:00 AM–5:00 PM
  • Sunday 22/09
    11:00 AM–5:00 PM


Museum shop

You will find presents and souvenirs related to Linnaeus, the 18th century or gardening in the museum shop.

Linnaeus litterature

In the museum shop at Linnaeus’ Hammarby you can buy Linnaean gifts and souvenirs and products inspired by the cultural heritage, and life in the countryside. We also stock basic equipment for little ones that want to go and explore nature in the cultural reserve.

The gift shop is open from May to the end of September at the same hours as the museum.

Jars with honey and a tray with a portrait of Linnaeus

We offer gifts for representation to companies and organisations. We cannot offer this service to private persons. For more information, please contact museum shop manager Anna Backman tel +46-70-167 97 82.

A rural setting for smaller parties

Unfiortunately there are no venue for dinners or events at LInnaeus' Hammarby! The indoor area at Café Sara Lisa only takes groups of 20 persons, and can only be booked outside the normal opening hours for Linnaeus’ Hammarby, during May to September inclusive.

Contact Café Sara Lisa /Triller Mat & Bröd

Occasionaly weddings with no more than 10 participants can be booked in the park. Contact our reservation desk for price and availability.

The yellow orangery in the Linnaeus Garden with a pond with water lilies in front of it.

