Admission and tickets

Admission charges

During normal opening times

  • Adults SEK 120
  • Senior citizens 65 + SEK 100
  • Students SEK 100 (students at Uppsala University admission free)
  • Children (ages 0-17) admission free

The admission price includes entry to the Linnaeus Museum.

After 17:00 (garden only)

  • Admission free (all buildings are closed)

fferent prices may apply for special exhibitions and events.

Annual pass to the Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala

The annual card of the Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala gives you free admission to the Tropical Greenhouse, the Linnaeus Garden, the Linnaeus Museum and Linnaeus’ Hammarby. It also give you a 50% discount on themed tours.

The annual pass is valid for one calendar year and is sold in our museum shops or at the garden office in The Botanical Garden during office hours.

By your pass online.

An annual pass costs 250 SEK.

Tickets to regular guided tours

Join a guided tour of the oldest botanical garden in Sweden. The tour is an introduction to the Botanical Garden. Learn about the garden's history and see seasonal highlights!

Buy your ticket through, or in our museum shops during opening hours. Drop-in subject to avaliability. The ticket price includes admission to the Tropical Greenhouse. You need to reserve a ticket even if you have free admission to the Tropical Greenhouse.

Groups of more than 10 people have to book a private guide in advance as tickets to regular tours are limited.

Free admission and concessions to the Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala

Concessions apply to:

  • Senior citizens 65 +
  • Students (free entrance to students at Uppsala University)
  • Kulturarvskort 50% reduction of admission charge. Buy your card in our museum shops. The card is valid at many museums in Sweden.
  • Members of SJ Prio pays SEK 100 at the Linnaeus Garden and at Linnaeus' Hammarby

Free admission to The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala applies to:

  • employees at Uppsala University
  • students at Uppsala University
  • members of Linnés vänner, our friends' society
  • members of The Swedish Linnaeus Society (The Linnaeus Garden and Linnaeus' Hammarby only)
  • members of Sällskapet Linnés Hammarby (The Linnaeus Garden and Linnaeus' Hammarby only)
  • gold or silver members of Friends of Uppsala University
  • members of Inter Nordic Guide Club (IGC), including the organisation Uppsalaguiderna.
  • employees at Uppsala's museums
  • members of Swedish Museums Association
  • holders of the ICOM-card
  • holders of the Kulturarvskort for employees
  • cultural buddies groups. To get free admission you need to bring your cultural buddies card.


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