Guidelines and assessment criteria for recruiting and promoting teachers at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy


Section 2 of the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University (UFV 2010/1842) stipulates that “the Disciplinary Domain/Faculty Board may issue supplementary guidelines and assessment criteria for the recruitment and promotion of teachers in addition to the present Appointment Regulations”. The present guidelines and assessment criteria apply to the recruitment and promotion of teachers at Uppsala

University’s Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The decision to introduce them was adopted by the Disciplinary Domain Board on 26- 04-2012. Decisions on revised guidelines and assessment criteria have been adopted by the Disciplinary Domain Board on 21-03-2013, 24-10-2013, 20-11-2014, 18-11-2015,

29-01-2020, and 22-05-2024.

This document is a supplement to the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University and should always be used together with it.

Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University

To facilitate your reading of the Appointment Regulations, this document references the following relevant sections:

  • Qualifications: Sections 3–9, 32–45
  • General assessment criteria: Sections 17–31
  • Promotion: Sections 46–56

Assessment criteria

§ 1 The assessment criteria below constitute the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy’s supplement of the assessment criteria for teaching positions set out in the Appointment Regulations for Uppsala University. The purpose of the supplement is to adapt the assessment criteria to the prevailing conditions of the disciplinary domain.

§ 2 Various forms of expertise are assessed separately. Within these different areas of expertise, different merits must be weighed against each other. When assessing expertise, merits must always be weighed against the duties of the position in question.

General assessment criteria

Assessment criteria for the appointment of professors

§ 3 When assessing research expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant is an active and nationally or internationally established researcher whose research demonstrates clear independence. It must also be taken into account whether the applicant is the accountable authority for research grants awarded in national competition and/or the accountable authority or co-applicant for research grants awarded in international competition.

Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant demonstrates experience and well-documented expertise in acting as the principal supervisor and/or co-supervisor of doctoral students, or has demonstrated equivalent expertise through other research management activities.

It must also be taken into account whether the applicant is the principal supervisor of any doctoral students at the time of application. It shall also be considered a merit if the applicant demonstrates experience in academic positions of trust of a scientific nature, such as serving as an external expert or external reviewer, assessor of research applications, reviewer of scientific articles, or editor of scholarly journals. Experience in other significant research positions, e.g., as a member of research councils at other public authorities, regional councils, research funding bodies, or companies, shall also be taken into account.

§ 4 When assessing teaching expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant is an active teacher with documented expertise in various forms of teaching at the first, second and third cycle levels. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has been assessed as a good teacher in evaluations by both academic colleagues and students. It is meritorious for the applicant to possess extensive teaching experience, especially if a significant portion of their teaching has taken place during the last six years.

§ 5 When assessing administrative and management expertise, knowledge, education, and documented expertise in administration and/or management shall be taken into account. Documented ability to manage a research environment and experience in managerial roles in academic networks and organisations shall also be taken into account. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the University’s operations. Experience and documented capacity to work actively or carry out assignments in other areas relevant to the University’s operations, such as work environment management, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, for example through projects and inquiries, shall be taken into account.

§ 6 When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account.

Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience and expertise in, e.g., innovation and utilisation, collaboration issues, administrative collaboration tasks, collaborative research, commissioned research, research advice, intellectual exchange, and management tasks related to collaboration.

Assessment criteria for the appointment of senior lecturers

§ 7 When assessing research expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant is an active and nationally or internationally established researcher whose scientific publications are of good quality and whose research demonstrates clear independence. It shall also be taken into account whether the applicant is the accountable authority or co-applicant for research grants awarded in national or international competition. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant demonstrates experience and well-documented expertise in acting as the principal supervisor and/or co-supervisor of doctoral students, or has demonstrated equivalent expertise through other research management activities. It shall also be considered meritorious if the applicant demonstrates experience in academic positions of trust, such as serving as an external expert or external reviewer, assessor of research applications, reviewer of scientific articles, or editor of scholarly journals. Experience in other significant research positions, e.g., as a member of research councils at other public authorities, regional councils, research funding bodies, or companies, shall also be taken into account.

§ 8 When assessing teaching expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant is an active teacher with documented expertise in various forms of teaching at the first, second and third cycle levels. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has been assessed as a good teacher in evaluations by both academic colleagues and students. It is meritorious for the applicant to possess extensive teaching experience, especially if a significant portion of their teaching has taken place during the last six years.

§ 9 When assessing administrative and management expertise, knowledge, education, and documented expertise in administration and/or management shall be taken into account. Documented ability to manage a research environment and experience in managerial roles in academic networks and associations shall also be taken into account. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the University’s operations.

Experience and documented capacity to work actively or carry out assignments in other areas relevant to the University’s operations, such as work environment management, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, for example through projects and inquiries, shall be taken into account.

§ 10 When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account.

Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience and expertise in, e.g., innovation and utilisation, collaboration issues, administrative collaboration tasks, collaborative research, commissioned research, research advice, intellectual exchange, and management tasks related to collaboration.

Assessment criteria for the appointment of associate senior lecturers

§ 11 When assessing research expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant is an active and independent researcher whose research is of good quality. It shall also be taken into account whether the applicant is the accountable authority or co- applicant for research grants awarded in national or international competition. It shall also be considered meritorious if the applicant demonstrates experience in academic positions of trust of a scientific nature, or research positions at other public authorities, regional councils, research funding bodies, or companies.

§ 12 When assessing teaching expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant demonstrates documented expertise in various forms of teaching at the first, second and third cycle levels. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has been assessed as a good teacher in evaluations by both academic colleagues and students. It is meritorious for the applicant to have extensive teaching experience.

§ 13 When assessing administrative and management expertise, knowledge, education, and documented expertise in administration and/or management shall be taken into account. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the University’s operations.

Experience and documented capacity to work actively or carry out assignments in other areas relevant to the University’s operations, such as work environment management, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, for example through projects and inquiries, shall be taken into account.

§ 14 When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account. When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account.

Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience and expertise in, e.g., innovation and utilisation, collaboration issues, administrative collaboration tasks, collaborative research, commissioned research, research advice, intellectual exchange, and management tasks related to collaboration.

Assessment criteria for the appointment of lecturers

§ 15 When assessing teaching expertise, importance shall be attached to whether the applicant demonstrates documented expertise in various forms of teaching at the first, second and third cycle levels. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has been assessed as a good teacher in evaluations by both academic colleagues and students. It is meritorious for the applicant to possess extensive teaching experience, especially if a significant portion of their teaching has taken place during the last six years.

§ 16 When assessing administrative and management expertise, knowledge, education, and documented expertise in administration and/or management shall be taken into account. Experience in group management and managerial roles in academic networks and organisations shall also be taken into account. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the

University’s operations. Experience and documented capacity to work actively or carry out assignments in other areas relevant to the University’s operations, such as work environment management, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, for example through projects and inquiries, shall be taken into account.

§ 17 When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account. Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience and expertise in innovation and utilisation, collaboration issues, administrative collaboration tasks, collaborative research, research advice, intellectual exchange, and management tasks related to collaboration.


§ 18 Teachers with permanent appointments as lecturers or senior lecturers at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy can apply for promotion during the month of November each year. All applications for promotion are processed together.

§ 19 Teachers employed as associate senior lecturers at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy can apply for promotion no later than six months before the end of their employment.

§ 20 The criteria for teaching expertise in set out in Sections 27, 29 and 32 provide guidelines for experience with teaching hours. In this context, “teaching hours” are active, scheduled teaching time with students, such as classroom teaching, seminars, group teaching, teaching rounds, and individual supervision. A “teaching round” refers to a teaching element separate from the requirements of healthcare in which clinical problems are demonstrated and discussed. The preparation of lessons and summative assessment in the form of grading exams is not included.

Promotion criteria

§ 21 The Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy has established criteria for promotion from the position of lecturer to senior lecturer, from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer, and from senior lecturer to professor.

These criteria represent the expertise and experience requirements that the applicant must meet. If they are not met, promotion cannot take place.

§ 22 Promotion from the position of lecturer to senior lecturer, from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer, and from senior lecturer to professor requires both expertise in both research and teaching. Sections 26–27, 28–29 and 31–32 respectively set out the applicable criteria. To meet the level of expertise required for promotion, the applicant must fulfil all the criteria.

§ 23 Promotion from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer requires management expertise. Section 30 defines which experience and expertise are meritorious. To achieve sufficient expertise for promotion, the applicant must demonstrate basic qualification.

§ 24 Promotion from senior lecturer to professor requires management expertise and collaboration skills. Sections 33–34 define which experience and expertise are meritorious. To achieve sufficient expertise for promotion, the applicant must demonstrate extensive qualification.

§ 25 Upon promotion to a senior teaching position, the applicant is expected to be able to take greater responsibility for the inner workings of the disciplinary domain and their own faculty, for example through participation in working groups, membership on boards and committees, etc. To be promoted to a senior teaching position, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient knowledge of both Swedish and English to be able to do so.

Promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer

§ 26 The applicant must be an active researcher who demonstrates research independence, whose scientific publications are of good quality, and whose scientific merits correspond to what is required for an associate professorship at Uppsala

University’s Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy. The applicant must also be an accountable authority or co-applicant for external research grants.

§ 27 The applicant must be a good educator and have experience and demonstrate documented expertise in various forms of first and second cycle-level teaching at the University, and must normally have completed at least 200 teaching hours. The applicant must have experience in planning high-quality courses/course elements at the first and second cycle level. The applicant must have participated in work to develop teaching and learning. A significant portion of this pedagogical work must have been carried out over the past six years. The applicant must have undergone academic teacher training course comprising the equivalent of at least 10 weeks, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge.

Promotion from associate senior lecturer to senior lecturer

§ 28 The applicant must be an active researcher who demonstrates research independence. The applicant must report a documented high level of activity during their entire period of employment as an associate senior lecturer. Such activity must include high-quality scientific publications, the establishment of their own research programme, and obtaining, in their capacity as an accountable authority, funding for all or part of this work in the form of external research grants awarded in competition. The applicant must be the principal supervisor or assistant supervisor of at least one doctoral student.

§ 29 The applicant must be a good educator and have experience and demonstrate documented expertise in various forms of first and second cycle-level teaching at the University, and must normally have completed at least 200 teaching hours, of which at least 100 teaching hours must have been completed during their employment as an associate senior lecturer at the university. The applicant must have experience in planning high-quality courses/course elements at the first and second cycle level. The applicant must have participated in work to develop teaching and learning.

A significant portion of this pedagogical work must have been carried out during the past six years, and the applicant must be able to demonstrate that they have continuously participated in teaching and pedagogical development work during their employment as an associate senior lecturer. The applicant must have undergone academic teacher training course comprising the equivalent of at least 10 weeks, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge.

§ 30 It is meritorious for the applicant to have experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the University’s operations. It shall also be taken into account whether the applicant has experience in actively working or carrying out assignments in the areas of work environment, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, etc., for example by having participated in projects and inquiries.

To achieve sufficient expertise for promotion, the applicant must demonstrate basic qualification.

Promotion from senior lecturer to professor

§ 31 The applicant must be an active and independent researcher with an extensive scientific output of good or higher quality. The applicant must have experience in leading a long-term research programme. The applicant must be or have recently been the accountable authority for external research grants awarded in national or international competition. The applicant must have been the principal supervisor of two doctoral students, and must currently be the principal supervisor and/or co-supervisor of at least one doctoral student.

The applicant must also have experience in academic positions of trust, such as serving as an external expert or external reviewer, assessor of research applications, reviewer of scientific articles, or editor of scholarly journals. Experience in other significant research positions, e.g., as a member of research councils at other public authorities, regional councils, research funding bodies, or companies, shall also be taken into account.

§ 32 The applicant must be an active teacher and good educator and have experience and demonstrate documented expertise in various forms of first, second, and third cycle- level teaching at the University, and must normally have completed at least 240 teaching hours. The applicant must have experience in planning high-quality courses/course elements at the first, second, and third cycle level.

In addition to doctoral supervision, the applicant must have experience in individually supervising students and must have participated in the development of teaching and learning. A significant portion of this pedagogical work must have been carried out over the past six years. The applicant must have undergone academic teacher training course comprising the equivalent of at least 10 weeks, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge.

§ 33 It is meritorious for the applicant to have experience in the management of research networks or other research organisations. It is also meritorious for the applicant to have knowledge of, training for, and documented expertise in academic management, and/or experience with participation in the management of a unit/department/university or equivalent organisation, and/or has held positions as a member of committees or working groups, or positions in other areas relevant to the University’s operations.

It shall also be taken into account whether the applicant has experience in actively working or carrying out assignments in the areas of work environment, ethics, equality, gender equality, environmental, diversity or accessibility issues, etc., for example by having completed in projects and inquiries. To achieve sufficient expertise for promotion, the applicant must demonstrate extensive qualification.

§ 34 When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account. When assessing collaboration skills, experience and expertise in popular science work, editing and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between the university and the outside world shall be taken into account.

Importance shall also be attached to whether the applicant has experience and expertise in, e.g., innovation and utilisation, collaboration issues, administrative collaboration tasks, collaborative research, commissioned research, research advice, intellectual exchange, and management tasks related to collaboration.

The recruitment process

Selection methods

§ 35 When recruiting and promoting teachers, the selection methods that are most appropriate for the position in question shall be applied. In addition to peer review and interviews, this can involve test lectures, reference checks, etc. Decisions on which selection methods are to be used in a given recruitment are made by the recruitment group concerned.

External experts

§ 36 For any given recruitment, proposals for at least two external experts, normally at least one woman and at least one man, are to be submitted by the relevant department head or equivalent authority figure. The proposed external experts must be non-biased in relation to the applicant in the case in question, and they have been offered and have accepted the assignment. The decision on the appointment of external experts is made by the Disciplinary Domain Board’s working committee, after the relevant recruitment group has been given the opportunity to comment on the proposals.

§ 37 The proposal for external experts must be formulated in such a way, and contain the information required, for the Disciplinary Domain Board’s working committee to be able to make an informed and objective decision.

§ 38 The external expert must complete and return the checklist for the appointment in question. This checklist must be completed for all applicants.

§ 39 For each applicant, the external expert must submit a written assessment in which they justify their positions regarding each item in the checklist and also provide a brief presentation of the applicant and their activities.

§ 40 An external expert who examines the application for promotion shall only make a weighted assessment of the applicant's qualifications at the request of the recruitment group concerned.

Fixed-term appointments

§ 41 Pursuant to the Employment Protection Act, fixed-term appointments to senior lecturer or lecturer positions (with the exception of special fixed-term appointments or substitute positions) are handled in the order decided by the respective departmental board.

§ 42 Normally, a permanent position as a senior lecturer must be advertised no later than eleven months before the fixed-term appointment changes to a permanent appointment.

§ 43 If recruitment pursuant to Section 42 has not yet begun, the matter shall be submitted to the Disciplinary Domain Board for external expert assessment no later than five months before the position referred to in Section 41 is transferred to the Disciplinary Domain Board for external expert review.

Career development positions

§ 44 When an associate senior Lecturer position at the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy is advertised, the period of employment must be six years.

Adjunct teachers

§ 45 It must always be possible to justify the recruitment of adjunct teachers on the basis of necessity for the activities of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy. The same requirements for acquired expertise apply to adjunct teachers as to other teachers, with the exception of the requirement to have completed an academic teacher training course.

§ 46 When the applicant for an adjunct teacher position is primarily employed outside the university and has mainly conducted their activities externally, their research expertise may have been demonstrated in some other way than when recruiting teachers who work primarily at the University.

Examples in this regard include industrial research that has not resulted in customary publications, patents of scientific novelty and the building of and participation in international research networks. However, to be eligible for employment, such an applicant’s qualifications must, in a comprehensive qualitative assessment, be deemed to meet the requirements for research expertise applicable to the position in question.

§ 47 When the applicant for an adjunct teacher position is primarily employed outside the university and has often mainly conducted their activities externally, their teaching expertise may have been demonstrated in some other way than when recruiting teachers who work primarily at the University. Examples in this regard include the development of and responsibility for internal training within companies or organisations, or the development of internal teaching materials. However, to be eligible for employment, such an applicant’s qualifications must, in a comprehensive qualitative assessment, be deemed to meet the requirements for teaching expertise applicable to the position in question.

Senior appointments

§ 48 The scope of a senior appointment must be based on the organisation’s need for an appointment, as well as the organisations ability to finance it. A justification of the scope of the appointment must be made in each individual case.

§ 49 When a post-retirement professor or other senior employee is appointed with the main purpose of conducting their own research, including the management of their own research team (whose human resources may vary substantially), the scope of employment shall normally be 20% of full-time. Such a senior appointment should normally be financed in its entirety by external research funding (grant or commission funding). Before an employment contract is signed, the external funding body must have provided its written approval that its funding may be used to finance the appointment in question.

§ 50 When a post-retirement professor or other senior employee is appointed for a purpose other than conducting their own research, or for the purpose of conducting their own research in combination with other duties, the scope of employment may be higher than 20% of full-time. The part of an appointment that includes duties other than one’s own research may be financed via direct government funding.

§ 51 When a post-retirement professor is appointed and there is a need to be able to use them as an examiner, they shall conduct part of the duties of their appointment as a senior lecturer.


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