Environmental work
Expand your positive environmental impact
Both students and stadd are responsible for the environmental impact that arises at Uppsala University. The information below is designed to provide support in your day-to-day work.
As a public authority, the University has a responsibility to conduct its activities so as to minimise its negative environmental impact. For Uppsala University, this means minimising the negative environmental impact of teaching, research and our external collaboration.
Tools for local environmental management
In each area there are guidelines that indicate how to act. You will find them under the headings on this page. The University’s guidelines are also specified and clarified in a checklist, which serves as a good tool for local action on environmental issues at the University.
Checklist for environmental efforts Word, 255 kB.
The role of the greep rep
Environmental representatives (‘green reps’) have been appointed to support the head of department/division with the local environmental action. They also provide a link between central and local environmental management. Draw assistance from your department/division green rep in your local environmental management!
You find the role description for environmental representatives here
Areas of impact
The University has identified the following areas where it has an environmental impact