Error reporting
It happens that something breaks or stops working properly. You can ensure that the error is rectified as quickly as possible by filing an error report. The guide below will help you find where to turn.
Electricity, elevators, ventilation, doors, entrance doors, drains, water, outdoor environment (snow removal, lighting etc)
Error reports concerning the building and fixed installations like ventilation or drains, are sent to Akademiska hus via their web-based fault reporting service (in Swedish only).
Urgent errors that are discovered outside office hours and that involve a risk of personal or property damage are reported to the on call service at Akademiska hus on 010-557 24 00.
Furniture, signs, infoscreens, fluorescent tubes
Error reports concerning furniture, signs, fluorescent tubes and other things that are not fixed (for example art, plants and curtains) or are not part of the building itself should be sent to
If the error involve a risk of personal or property damage, please report it directly to the janitor's foreman Nazariy Souchelnytskyi on 018-471 5892 during office hours.
Locks, card readers and access control systems
Error reports that apply to everything regarding locks, card readers and access control systems are reported to Keys and Access Cards Service.
Audio, video and e-meetings
Error reports concerning anything about audio, video and e-meetings are reported to the AV support.
Computer halls, computers, wifi, printers
Error reports concerning computers and internet are sent to
Error reporting concerning cleaning are sent to
Urgent cases are reported to the Senior custodial technician at Ångström laboratory on 070 425 07 30.