Service and support

Reception opening hours
Vecka 7
Monday 10/02
7:45 AM–9:00 PM
Tuesday 11/02
7:45 AM–9:00 PM
Wednesday 12/02
7:45 AM–9:00 PM
Thursday 13/02
7:45 AM–9:00 PM
Friday 14/02
7:45 AM–7:00 PM
Saturday 15/02
9:00 AM–4:00 PM
Sunday 16/02
Reception at Ekonomikum
The staff at reception supports students, staff and visitors with information and for example:
- Onetime passcodes to activate user account (or if you forgot your password)
- Campus cards:
- Printing card, updating, blocking
- Photo service for campus cards
- Written exams delivery
- Information and booking of student rooms
- Sales of office supplies, university profile products
- Portable hearing loops
- Lost and found property
Contact receptionen:
- Email:
- Phone: 018-471 1451
- Visit: near entrance 10B on level 2

The notice boards are primarily intended to be used for posting notices related to education, research and student activities at Uppsala University.
- Posting is only allowed on referred boards, and the boards are completely cleared on Saturdays of even weeks.
- Two of the bulletin boards are for private notes. Posters on these boards must be dated and may be displayed for a maximum of 14 days.
- Only use pushpins
- Illegal content is prohibited. Contents such as copyright material, pornography or of threatening nature will be taken down.
- Do not cover another poster.
- Do not post more than one poster on the board.
Parking for students
Students get a lower parking fee with 'Taxa 2'. Log in with your UU student account adn select taxa 2 in the parking app AimoPark. If you use the parking machine, scan your campus card.
Parking with taxa 2 is valid for all car parks by Akademiska Hus with zone code 2020 in Uppsala.
Contact Aimo Park for questions about parking
Parking at Ekonomikum (MazeMap)

Buss nr 1 (stop A) och 5 (stop E) stops by Ekonomikum.