Exam registration
You must always register to an exam to be able to take it. You register yourself to your exams in Ladok latest 12 days before the exam date. If you have not registered for the exam on time you will not be allowed to take it and it is not possible to register for the exam in the examination hall.
In order to take an exam in an examination hall you must also have a valid photo-ID. The ID must be an original document and can be a passport, driving license (regardless of which country) and an ID card issued by a national authority etc. A residence permit, campus card or ID issued by banks or companies are not accepted IDs. Neither is any form of e-identification accepted.
If you have registered for an exam but are no longer able to carry it out, it is important that you unregister from it no later than 12 days before the exam date. You unregister yourself in Ladok and this is important so the university can ensure the right number of examination invigilators, chairs, tables and other materials are available.
Accommodations at written examinations
If you have been granted targeted study support you can request accomodations at examinations.
Learn more about how you request accomodations at written examination
Collect your exam
All our written exams are scanned by Student Services at the Faculty of Science and Technology and can be downloaded digitally. To access your exam you log in with your student account in the exam storage system. Exams are available in scanned format for two years, after this they will be deleted per archiving rules. You can also collect your exam in the original paper format at the Reception latest two months after your exam. If you have written a digital exam (an e-exam) you log into Inspera to find it there.
Log in and download your written exam
For collecting the original paper exam contact Student Services
Reconsideration of exam
Grades can not be appealed. However, the examiner can reassess the grade. Reassessment takes place due to new circumstances, or if the grade is clearly incorrect, and if the change can be made quickly and easily. It is thus not a question of "correcting" or "reconsidering" of already assessed answers, but of obvious errors being corrected. A typical example is that the result has been added together incorrectly or a question has been forgotten.
To have your grade reconsidered, fill in the form below and send by e-mail to the course administration. You also need to attach a copy of your graded exam as a pdf. Make sure you send the form to the right course responsible department.
Form for reconsideration (pdf) Pdf, 26 kB.
Rules and guidelines for examination
As a student at Uppsala University, your study environment is regulated and guided by different rules and guidelines, this also applies for examinations. In Guidelines on working conditions for first- and second-cycle students at Uppsala University you can read more about your working conditions.