Student influence
As a student at Uppsala University, you have an important role in the quality assurance procedures of your education. The most common and probably easiest way to contribute to this is by answering the course evaluation surveys that are sent out after every taken course.
Another way to contribute is by applying to be a student representative, that way you can be directly involved in the preparation and decision-making process. According to the Higher Education Act, students have the right to be represented in all preparatory and decision-making bodies on all levels within the university where education and students’ situation is handled. This representation is of outmost importance to ensure that the students’ perspective is reflected in the development of the university’s education.
The department can offer an individual certificate after completed student representative assignments. This certificate can then be used for e.g. future job applications.
Student representation
Students from the International Master's Programme in Psychology can apply for the role of student representative at the Programme Council.
In order to become a representative at the other decision-making bodies at the department, knowledge of the Swedish language is required (see also the Swedish page for more information).
How to become a student representative
If you would like to become a student representative, take contact with the student union “Uppsala studentkår”. More information about the application process can be found on their webpage about getting involved in the union.
Contact person for commissions regarding the Department of psychology is the faculty coordinator at the union,