Fundamental and Molecular Systematics

10 credits

Course, Master's level, 1BG393

Autumn 2024 Autumn 2024, Fiskebäckskil, 100%, Distance learning, English

Autumn 2025 Autumn 2025, Fiskebäckskil, 100%, Distance learning, English

About the course

This course introduces you to fundamental concepts in general and molecular systematics and lets you get some skills in common molecular techniques and a working knowledge of phylogenetic analysis. We will discuss questions in systematic research and how to address them. You will be confronted with both the theoretical and practical aspects of phylogenetic analysis and how to delimit and identify species and other taxa, with a focus on molecular data. You will implement what you learn in small projects/case studies.

The laboratory part of the project will be carried out at Klubban Biological Station in Fiskebäckskil on the Swedish west coast. At Klubban we will also have other activities such as seminars "in real life" complementing web-based teaching.

Outline for distance course: Communication between teachers and students takes place on a learning management system and e-meeting tools. Access to a computer with a stable internet connection and a web camera is required. The mandatory field-based part of the course is planned for 5-18 October 2025 at the field station Klubban, located at Fiskebäckskil on the Swedish west coast. On Klubban there are mandatory wet- and computer labs and a written exam. In addition, there are web-based examinations.

