Development Studies A

30 credits

Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2SK021

A revised version of the reading list is available.

Main group 1

Main group 2

  • Kabbani, Rana, Imperial Fictions: Europe Myth's of the Orient, Indiana University Press: Bloomington (pp. 1-13 & 67-85), 2009Compulsory
  • Sayyid, S, Mirror Mirror: Western Democrats, Oriental Despots?,, Ethnicities, 5; (30-50), 2005
  • Prakash, Gyan, Orientalism now, History & Theory vol. 34, no. 3 (199-212), 1995Compulsory
  • Liddle, Joanna; Rai, Shirin, Feminism, Imperialism and Orientalism: The Challenge of the 'Indian Woman, Women's History Review, Vol.7. No.4, (pp.495-519), 1998Compulsory
  • Mohanty, Chandra, Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses, Feminist Review, 30, (pp.61-88), 1988
  • Chaudhuri, Nupur, Memshahibs and their servants in nineteenth century India, Women's History Review, 3:4, (pp. 549-562), 1994
  • McClintock, Anne, Imperial leather: race, gender and sexuality in the colonial contest, London, Routledge, 1995
  • Thapar-Björkert, Suruchi; Ryan, Louise, Mother India and Mother Ireland: Comparative Gendered Dialogues of Colonialism and nationalism in the early 20 century, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 25, Issue 3, May-June, (pp. 301-313), 2002
  • Gender and imperialism, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1998
  • Chadya, Joyce M, Mother Politics: Anti-colonial Nationalism and the Woman Question in Africa, Journal of Women's History - Volume 15, Number 3,(pp. 153-157), 2003Compulsory
  • Johnson, Cheryl, Grass Roots Organizing: Women in Anticolonial Activity in Southwestern Nigeria, African Studies Review, Vol. 25, No. 2/3, pp. 137-157, 1982Compulsory
  • Djamila Amrane-Minne, Daniele; Abu-Haidar, Farida, Women and Politics in Algeria from the War of Independence to Our Day, Research in African Literatures, Vol.30, No.3 (62-77), 1999Compulsory
  • Parpart, Jane L, Who is the 'Other'?: A Postmodern Feminist Critique of Women and Development Theory and Practice, Development and Change, Volume 24 Issue 3, Pages 439 - 464, 1993Compulsory
  • Razavi, Shahra, Fitting Gender into Development Institutions, World Development, Vol.25, No.7, (1111-1125), 1997Compulsory
  • Marchand, Marianne H.; Parpart, Jane L., Feminism, postmodernism, development, London, Routledge, 1995Compulsory
  • Kabeer, Naila, Reversed realities: gender hierarchies in development thought, London, Verso, 1994Compulsory
  • Chua, Peter; Bhavnani, Kum-Kum; Foran, John, Women, culture, development: a new paradigm for development studies?, Part of: Ethnic and racial studies., vol. 23, no. 5, 2000, p. 820–841
  • Nederveen Pieterse, Jan, After Post Development, Third World Quarterly, Vol.21, No.2 (175-191), 2000Compulsory
  • Lugalla, J, The Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies on Women and Children's Health in Tanzania, Review of African Political Economy, No.63, Vol.22, March, 1995
  • Patel, Vibhuti, Women and Structural Adjustment in India, Social Scientist, Vol.22, No.3/4, (pp.16-34)., 1994Compulsory
  • George, Susan, Down the Great Financial Drain: How Debt and the Washingtom Consensus destroy development and create poverty, Development, 50 (2), (4-11), 2007
  • Kaimowitz, David; Thiele, Graham, The Effects of Structural Adjustment on Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Lowland Bolivia, World Development Vol. 27, No. 3. (505-520), 1999Compulsory
  • Amalric, Franck; Banuri, Tariq, Population: Malady or Symptom?, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 4 (pp.691-706), 1994Compulsory
  • Sudha, S; Irudaya Rajan, S, Female Demographic Disadvantage in India 1981-1991: Sex Selective Abortions and Female Infanticide, Development and Change Vol. 30 (pp.585-618), 1999
  • Sen, Armartya, More than 100 million women are missing, Part of: The New York review of books.Compulsory
  • Bhat, R L; Sharma, Namita, ) Mising Girls: Evidence from some North Indian States, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 13/3 (pp.351-373), 2006
  • Kaldor, Mary, New and old wars: organized violence in a global era., Cambridge, Polity Press in association with Blackwell, 1999Compulsory
  • Kalyvas, Stathis N., "New"and"old"civil wars - a valid distinction?, Part of: World politics: a quarterly journal of international relations, p. 99–108Compulsory
  • Dowden, Richard, The Rwandan Genocide: How the Press Missed the Story, African Affairs , 103, (pp.283-290), 2004
  • Keen, David, A Rational Kind of Madness, Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, (pp.67-75), 1997
  • Thapar-Bjorkert, Suruchi; Morgan, Karen; Yuval-Davis, Nira, Framing gendered identities: local conflicts/global violence, Part of: Women's studies international forum: a multidisciplinary journal ..., vol. 29, no. 5, 2006, p. 433–538Compulsory
  • Fluri, Jennifer, The Beautiful 'Other' a critical examination of 'western' representations of Afghan feminine corporeal modernity, 2009
  • Alison, Miranda, Women as Agents of Political Violence: Gendering Security, Security Dialogue vol. 35, no. 4, December 2004 (pp.447-464), 2004
  • Stoler, Ann Laura, Carnal knowledge and imperial power: race and the intimate in colonial rule, Berkeley, University of California Press, c2002
  • Nagel, Joane, Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1998
  • Kampwirth, Karen, The Mother of the Nicaraguans: Dona Violeta and the UNO's Gender Agenda, Latin American Perspectives, 1996Compulsory
  • Burchianti, Margaret, Building Bridges of Memory: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Cultural Politics of Maternal Memories, History and Anthropology, 2004
  • Sen, Amartya, Development as freedom., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001
  • Papart, Jane; Connelly, Patricia; Barriteau, V. Eudine, Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development, IDRC, 2000Compulsory
  • Corbridge, Stuart, The (im)possibility of development studies, Economy and Society, 2007
  • Pender, John, From 'structural adjustment 'to 'comprehensive development framework': conditionality transformed?, Third World Quarterly, 2001
  • Cerruti, M, Economic Reform, Structural Adjustment and Female Labor Force Participation in Buenos Aires, Argentina, World Development, 2000Compulsory
  • Feminist visions of development: gender, analysis and policy, New York, Routledge, 1998
  • Kaldor, Mary, Inconclusive wars: is Clausewitz still relevant in these global times?, Global Policy, 2010Compulsory
  • Giles, Wenona Mary; Hyndman, Jennifer, Sites of violence: gender and conflict zones, Berkeley, University of California Press, cop. 2004Compulsory
  • Enloe, Cynthia H., Maneuvers: the international politics of militarizing women's lives, Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of California Press, cop. 2000Compulsory
  • Harrington, Carol, Peacekeeping and Prostitution in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, Lund University, 2003Compulsory
  • Nuttall, Sarah, Girl Bodies, Social Text, 2004Compulsory
  • On the battleground of women's bodies: mass rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Part of: Affilia: journal of women and social workCompulsory
  • Moser, Caroline O. N.; Clark, Fiona C., Victims, perpetrators or actors?: gender, armed conflict and political violence, London, Zed, cop. 2001Compulsory
  • Turshen, Meredith, The Political Economy of Rape: An Analysis of Systematic Rape and Sexual Abuse of Women during armed Conflict in Africa, Zed Books, 2001Compulsory

Main group 3

  • Collier, Paul., Wars, guns, and votes: democracy in dangerous places, 1. ed., New York, Harper, 2009Compulsory
  • Collier, Paul, The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it, New York, Oxford University Press, cop. 2007Compulsory
  • Engendering development: through gender equality in rights, resources, and voice, Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2001Compulsory
  • World Bank & Human Security Centre, eds., Miniatlas of Human Security, World Bank Publications, 2008Compulsory
  • Anderson, Mary B., Do no harm: how aid can support peace - or war, Boulder, Colo., Lynne Rienner, 1999Compulsory
  • Söderberg Kovacs, Mimmi; Ohlson, Thomas, Democratisation and armed conflicts, Stockholm, Sida, 2003Compulsory
  • Hudson, Valerie M et al., The Heart of the Matter: The Security of Women and the Security of States, International Security 33 (3):7-45, 2008Compulsory
  • Hultman, Lisa, The Power to Hurt in Civil War: The Strategic Aim of RENAMO Violence, Journal of Southern African Studies 35 (4):821-34, 2009Compulsory
  • Hussein, Karim; Sumberg, James; Seddon, David, 'Increasing Violent Conflict between Herders and Farmers in Africa: Claims and Evidence, Development Policy Review 17: 397-418, 1999Compulsory
  • Melander, Erik; Öberg, Magnus; Hall, Jonathan, Are 'New Wars' More Atrocious? Battle Intensity, Civilians Killed and Forced Migration Before and After the End of the Cold War, European Journal of International Relations 15 (3): 505-536, 2009Compulsory
  • Solingen, Etel, Pax Asiatica versus Bella Levantina: The Foundations of War and Peace in East Asia and the Middle East, American Political Science Review 101 (4):757-780, 2007Compulsory
  • Stewart, Frances, Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals, Journal of Human Development 4 (3):325-351, 2003Compulsory
  • Turner, Matthew D, Political Ecology and the Moral Dimensions of 'Resource Conflicts', Political Geography 23(7): 863-889Compulsory
  • Alao, Abiodun; Olonisakin, Funmi, Economic Fragility and Political Fluidity: Explaining Natural Resources and Conflicts, International Peacekeeping, 2000Compulsory
  • Grant, J. Andrew., Diamonds, foreign aid, and the uncertain prospects for post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone, Helsinki, United nations university. World institute for development economics research (UNU-WIDER), 2005Compulsory
  • Krause, Keith; Jütersonke, Oliver, Peace, Security and Development in Post-Conflict Environments, Security Dialogue, 2005Compulsory

* Compulsory

