Social Scientific Methods
7.5 credits
Reading list, Master's level, 2EH407
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Alvesson, Mats; Gabriel, Yiannis; Paulsen, Roland, Return to meaning: a social science with something to say, 1 ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017Compulsory
- Breuer, Franz, Subjectivity and Reflexivity in the Social Sciences: Epistemic Windows and Methodical Consequences, Part of: Forum, qualitative social research, Bonn, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, vol. 4, no. 2Compulsory
- Daston, Lorraine, Objectivity and the Escape from Perspective, Part of: Social studies of science., vol. 22, no. 4, 1992, p. 597–618Compulsory
- Gieryn, Thomas F., Cultural boundaries of science: credibility on the line, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999Compulsory (p. 1&
#8210;35, 65& #8210;114, 336& #8210;362) - Hancké, Bob, Intelligent research design: a guide for beginning researchers in the social sciences, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009Compulsory (p. 10–34.)
- Labinger, Jay A., The One Culture?: A Conversation about ScienceCompulsory
- Latour, Bruno; Callon, Michael, Unscrewing the big Leviathan: or how actors macrostructure reality, and how sociologists help them to do so?, Part of: Advances in social theory and methodology: toward an integration of micro- and macro-sociologies, Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981Compulsory (p. 277–303)
- Law, John, Making a Mess with Method, Law, John, 2006, http:/
/ publications/ Law2006MakingaMesswithMethod.pdf - Law, John, And if the global were small and noncoherent?: Method, complexity, and the baroque, Part of: Environment and planning..: D Society & space, vol. 22, no. 1, 2004, p. 13–26Compulsory
- Ruppert, Evelyn, Evelyn; Law, John; Savage, Mike, Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices, Part of: Theory, culture & society., vol. 30, no. 4, 2013, p. 22–46Compulsory
- Shapin, Steven, The sciences of subjectivity, Part of: Social studies of science., vol. 42, no. 2, 2012, p. 170–184Compulsory
- Swedberg, Richard, Theorizing in social science: the context of discovery, Stanford, Stanford Social Sciences, an imprint of Stanford University Press, 2014Compulsory (p. 1–28)
* Compulsory