Social Work with Globalisation and Migration
7 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2SC163
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Globala familjer: transnationell migration och släktskap, Hedemora, Gidlund, 2007Compulsory
- Hessle, Sven, Att invadera med välvilja: dialog och kolonisering i socialt välfärdsarbete, Lund, Studentlitteratur, [2018]Compulsory
- Ranta-Tyrkkö, Satu, High time for postcolonial analysis in social work, Part of: Nordic social work research, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, p. 25–41Compulsory
- Melander, Charlotte; Shmulyar Gréen, Oksana; Höjer, Ingrid, The Role of Trust and Reciprocity in Transnational Care Towards Children, Part of: Family life in transition: borders, transnational mobility, and welfare society in Nordic countries, Abingdon Oxon, Routledge, 2020Compulsory
- Haag, Eva-Lena; Risenfors, Signild, Jämställdhet, islam och framtidsdrömmar.: en intervjustudie om muslimska gymnasieflickor, Trollhättan, Högskolan Väst, 2007Compulsory
- Rabo, A., 'Without our church we will disappear' : Syrian Orthodox Christians in diaspora and the family law of the church, Part of: Family, religion and law: cultural encounters in Europe, Farnham, Ashgate, cop. 2014, p. 181–194Compulsory
- Wiederman, Michael W., Sexual Script Theory: Past, Present, and Future, Part of: Handbook of the sociology of sexualities, Cham, Springer, cop. 2015Compulsory
* Compulsory