Climate Change Leadership: Power, Politics and Culture
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 1MV077
Main group 1
Mandatory books
- Thunberg, Greta, The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions, PENGUIN PRESS, 2023Compulsory
- Mann, Michael E., The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet, Brunswick, Victoria, Scribe, 2021Compulsory
- Figueres, Christiana; Rivett-Carnac, Tom, The future we choose: surviving the climate crisis, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2020Compulsory
- Alvesson, Mats; Blom, Martin; Sveningsson, Stefan, Reflexive leadership: organising in an imperfect world, London, SAGE, 2017Compulsory
- Digital reader, Cemus, 2021, Avaliable at StudiumCompulsory (A reader containing 3–4 weekly articles or other learning materials will be available on Studium)
Optional book - activism, justice and hope
Optional books were selected to give you a choice on what you want to focus more. We provide you with four options (Activism, Climate Justice and Hope; Nature and Indigenous Knowledge; History, Politics and Capitalist Dynamics; Climate Science and IPCC) and you are only expected to choose one book from one of the options, but of course you are free to choose more if you feel like doing so
- Johnson, Ayana Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Katharine Keeble, All we can save: truth, courage, and solutions for the climate crisis, First edition, New York, One World, 2020
- Margolin, Jamie, Youth to Power, Da Capo Lifelong, 2020
- Nakate, Vanessa, A bigger picture: my fight to bring a new African voice to the climate crisis, London, One Boat, 2021
- Hayhoe, Katharine, Saving us: a climate scientist's case for hope and healing in a divided world, First One Signal Publishers/Atria Books hardcover edition, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2021
- Holthaus, Eric, The future Earth: a radical vision for what's possible in the age of warming, First edition., New York, NY, HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, [2020]
- Dabiri, Emma, What white people can do next: from allyship to coalition, London, Penguin Books, 2021
- Terry, Geraldine, Climate change and gender justice, Warwickshire, UK, Practical Action Pub., c2009
Optional book - Nature and Indigenous Knowledge
Optional books were selected to give you a choice on what you want to focus more. We provide you with four options (Activism, Climate Justice and Hope; Nature and Indigenous Knowledge; History, Politics and Capitalist Dynamics; Climate Science and IPCC) and you are only expected to choose one book from one of the options, but of course you are free to choose more if you feel like doing so
- Pearce, Fred, A Trillion Trees, Paperback edition., GRANTA BOOKS, 2022
- Kimmerer, Robin Wall, Braiding sweetgrass: indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants, London, Penguin Books Ltd, 2020
Optional book -History, Politics and Capitalist Dynamics
Optional books were selected to give you a choice on what you want to focus more. We provide you with four options (Activism, Climate Justice and Hope; Nature and Indigenous Knowledge; History, Politics and Capitalist Dynamics; Climate Science and IPCC) and you are only expected to choose one book from one of the options, but of course you are free to choose more if you feel like doing so
- Moore, Jason W., Anthropocene or capitalocene?: nature, history, and the crisis of capitalism, Oakland, CA, PM Press, 2016
- Marshall, George, Don't even think about it: why our brains are wired to ignore climate change, New York, Bloomsbury, 2015
- Oreskes, Naomi.; Conway, Erik M., Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming, Pbk. ed., London, Bloomsbury, 2012
- Giddens, Anthony, The politics of climate change, Cambridge, Polity, 2009
- Ghosh, Amitav, The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2016
- Mitchell, Timothy, Carbon democracy: political power in the age of oil, London, Verso, 2013
- Malm, Andreas, White skin, black fuel: on the danger of fossil fascism, London, Verso, 2021
- Jensen, Derrick, Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It, 2021
Optional book - Climate Science, IPCC and the Paris Agreement
Optional books were selected to give you a choice on what you want to focus more. We provide you with four options (Activism, Climate Justice and Hope; Nature and Indigenous Knowledge; History, Politics and Capitalist Dynamics; Climate Science and IPCC) and you are only expected to choose one book from one of the options, but of course you are free to choose more if you feel like doing so
- Mann, Michael E.; Toles, Tom., The madhouse effect: how climate change denial is threatening our planet, destroying our politics, and driving us crazy, New York, Columbia University Press, [2016]
- Rockström, Johan, Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries / Johan Rockström, Mattias Klum, uuuu-uuuu
- Bolin, Bert, A history of the science and politics of climate change: the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / Bert Bolin. [electronic resource], uuuu-uuuu
* Compulsory