Gender Research B

30 credits

Reading list, Bachelor's level, 5GN005

Main group 1

  • Ahmed, Sara, Strange encounters: embodied others in post-coloniality, London, Routledge, 2000Compulsory
  • Arendt, Hannah; Allen, Danielle S.; Canovan, Margaret, The human condition, Second edition., Chicago, University of Chicago Press, [2018]Compulsory (p. 7–21.)
  • Carby, Hazel V., White Woman Listen!: Black Feminism and the Boundaries of Sisterhood, Part of: Black British feminism: a reader, London, Routledge, 1997, p. 45–53Compulsory
  • Cavalcante Schuback, Marcia Sá, Antropofagiska tankar kring skillnaden, Part of: Glänta, vol. 3, 2005Compulsory
  • Crenshaw, Kimberle, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, Part of: Stanford law review., vol. 43, no. 6, 1991, p. 1241–1299Compulsory
  • De los Reyes, Paulina; Mulinari, Diana, Intersektionalitet: kritiska reflektioner över (o)jämlikhetens landskap., 1. uppl., Malmö, Liber, 2005Compulsory
  • Fanon, Frantz, Svart hud, vita masker, Göteborg, Daidalos, 1997Compulsory
  • Holgersson, Ulrika, Klass och postmodernism: Ett feministiskt val, Part of: Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, vol. 29, no. 3-4, 2008, p. 61–84Compulsory
  • hooks, bell, Black looks: race and representation, Boston, Mass., South End Press, cop. 1992Compulsory
  • Kincaid, Jamaica, The autobiography of my mother, London, Vintage, 1996Compulsory
  • Lundström, Catrin, Svenska latinas: ras, klass och kön i svenskhetens geografi, Göteborg, Makadam, 2007Compulsory
  • Lönn, Maria, Bruten vithet: om den ryska femininitetens sinnliga & temporala villkor, Stockholm, Leopard förlag, 2018Compulsory (p. 17–48)
  • Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, Feminism utan gränser: avkoloniserad teori, praktiserad solidaritet, Stockholm, Tankekraft, 2006Compulsory
  • Okello, Wilson, Toward an ethical Black men's feminism, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2020Compulsory
  • Shome, Raka, White Femininity and the Discourse of the Nation: Re/membering Princess Diana, Part of: Feminist media studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 2001, p. 323–342Compulsory
  • Skeggs, Beverley, Att bli respektabel: konstruktioner av klass och kön, Göteborg, Daidalos, 2000Compulsory
  • Curry, Tommy J., Decolonizing the Intersection:: Black Male Studies as a Critique of Intersectionality's Indebtedness to Subculture of Violence Theory, Part of: Critical Psychology Praxis: Psychosocial Non-Alignment to Modernity/Coloniality, Routledge, 2021, p. S. 132–154Compulsory
  • Bazawule, Blitz; Gardley, Marcus; Winfrey, Oprah, The color purple, Stockholm, AB Svensk Filmindustri, [2024]Compulsory
  • Thompson, J., Intersectionality and water: How social relations intersect with ecological difference, Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography, 2016Compulsory
  • Trulove, Y; O'Reilly, K, Making India's cleanest city: Sanitation, intersectionality, and infrastructural violence, Part of: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, vol. 4, no. 3, 2021Compulsory
  • Salih, Rubi; Zambelli, Elena; Welchman, Lynn, "From Standing Rock to Palestine we are United": diaspora politics, decolonization and the intersectionality of struggles, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2021Compulsory
  • Cavazzoni, F. et al., Critical consciousness from a Palestinian feminist, decolonial perspective: A collective exploratory inquiry, Feminism & Psychology, 2023Compulsory
  • Fúnez-Flores, Jairo I, Toward decolonial globalisation studies, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2023Compulsory
  • Maldonado-Torres, N., Frantz Fanon and the decolonial turn in psychology: from modern/ colonial methods to the decolonial attitude, South African Journal of Psychology, 2017Compulsory
  • Fanning, C, Constructed Pasts: Narratives of Home, History, and Otherness in LEGO, The Public Historian, 2021
  • Björklund, Jenny; Wahlström Henriksson, Helena, att skriva B-uppsats i genusvetenskap, Uppsala: Centrum för genusvetenskap, 2014Compulsory

* Compulsory

