Development Studies A
30 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 2SK021
A revised version of the reading list is available.
Main group 1
- Articles
- Bigsten, Arne, Utvecklingens ekonomi och politik., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2003 (Lund, tur)
- Human development report 2002, deepening democracy in a fragmented world., New York, N. Y., Oxford University Press for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2002
- Krishna, Anirudh, Active social capital: tracing the roots of development and democracy., New York, Columbia University Press, 2002
- Payne, Richard J.; Nassar, Jamal R., Politics and culture in the developing world :the impact of globalization, 3rd ed., New York ;a London, Longman, cop. 2008 [dvs. 2007]
- Sen, Amartya, Development as freedom., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001
- Gemensamt ansvar: Sveriges politik för global utveckling: regeringens proposition 2002/03:122, Stockholm, Utrikesdepartementet, 2003
Main group 2
- Artiklar
- Cooper, Frederick, Africa since 1940: the past of the present., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002
- Hoogvelt, Ankie M. M., Globalization and the postcolonial world: the new political economy of development., 2. ed., Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001
- Larson, Brooke., Trials of nation making: liberalism, race, and ethnicity in the Andes, 1810-1910., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2004
- The new Cambridge history of India.: 3 [The Indian empire and the beginnings of modern society], 4 Ideologies of the Raj, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996
Main group 3
- Articles
- Todaro, Michael P.; Smith, Stephen C., Economic development, 9. ed., Harlow, 2006
- World development report.: 2004 Making services work for poor people, Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003
- World development report.: 2008 Agriculture for development, Washington, D.C., World Bank, cop. 2007
- World development report: 2003 Sustainable development in a dynamic world: transforming institutions, growth, and quality of life, Washington, DC, World Bank and Oxford University Press, cop. 2003 [2002]
Main group 4
- Anderson, Mary B., Do no harm: how aid can support peace - or war, Boulder, Colo., Lynne Rienner, 1999
- Articles
- Breaking the conflict trap: civil war and development policy, Washington, DC, World Bank, 2003
- Brounéus, Karen, Rethinking reconciliation: concepts, methods, and an empirical study of truth telling and psychological health in Rwanda, Uppsala, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2008
- How to conduct a conflict analysis: conflict-sensitive development co-operation, Stockholm, Department for Cooperation with NGOs, Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict Management, Sida, 2004
- From war to democracy: dilemmas of peacebuilding, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008
- Nadler, Arie.; Malloy, Thomas E.; Fisher, Jeffrey D., The social psychology of intergroup reconciliation: from violent conflict to peaceful co-existence, New York ;a Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008
- Helping prevent violent conflict, Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2001
- Rethinking the nature of war, 1. ed., London ;a New York, Frank Cass, 2005
- Rotberg, Robert I. edt; Thompson, Dennis edt, Truth v. justice: the morality of truth commissions, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, cop. 2000
- Telling the truths: truth telling and peace building in post-conflict societies, Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press, 2006
- World Bank & Human Security Centre, eds., Miniatlas of Human Security, World Bank Publications, 2008
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2023
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- Syllabus valid from Spring 2012
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2011, version 2
- Syllabus valid from Autumn 2011, version 1
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