Sedan dess tillkomst 1985 har SINAS haft stor nytta av samarbetet med Fulbright-programmet. SINAS har haft turen att vara värd för ett antal Fulbright-forskare och föreläsare genom åren, som alla har undervisat i kurser eller bedrivit forskning vid institutet. Hösten 1996 inrättades en permanent Fulbright-professur vid SINAS och Uppsala universitet. Fulbright-professuren, som är den enda i sitt slag i Sverige, finansieras gemensamt av Svenska Fulbrightkommissionen, Stockholms universitet och Uppsala universitet. En Fulbright-professor utses årligen och i allmänhet för ett helt läsår.
Tjänsten innehas vanligtvis av seniora forskare i amerikastudier, brett definierat. Den omfattar undervisning på grund- och avancerad nivå i USA-kunskap, bedriva forskning och bygga kontakter i Uppsala i synnerhet och Sverige i allmänhet. Fulbright-professuren utgör sedan den inrättades en betydande möjlighet för amerikanska forskare att föreläsa lokalt och nationellt, vilket har bidragit väsentligt till spridningen av amerikastudier i Sverige.
Filmklipp om Fulbright-professuren.
Fulbrightprofessor 2024/25
SINAS välkomnar professor Stephanie Foote, årets Fulbrightprofessor i nordamerikastudier!
Stephanie Foote is Professor of English at the University of Vermont, where she researches and teaches American literature and culture from the nineteenth century to the present with a particular focus on environmental issues.
She is the author of two single-author books The Parvenu’s Plot: Gender, Class, and Culture in The Age of Realism (2014) and Regional Fictions: Culture and Identity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (2001). In 2006, she edited and contributed original afterwords for We Walk Alone and We, Too, Must Love, Ann Aldrich’s 1955 and 1958 sociological accounts of lesbian life in the US.
She co-edited (with Elizabeth Mazzolini) Histories of the Dustheap: Waste, Material Cultures, Social Justice (2012), and in 2022 she and Jeffrey Jerome Cohen edited The Cambridge Companion to the Environmental Humanities. With Stephanie LeMenager, she co-founded Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, which is available on ProjectMuse and JSTOR; she co-edited that journal for over a decade. With Dana Luciano and Anthony Lioi, she is the co-founder and co-editor of the open-access journal Regeneration: Environment, Art, Culture. She is currently working on a book about garbage and waste.
She has published more than 20 articles and book chapters in journals such as PMLA, Signs, American Literary History, and American Literature, and her work has been funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Humanities Center.
Tidigare Fulbright-professorer
Eric Weisbard
University of Alabama, 2023—2024
American Media Cultures (undergraduate), Current Research in American Studies (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Music for Export: Abba, Max Martin, Spotify and the Swemix of American Pop."
Scott Laderman
University of Minnesota Duluth, 2022—2023
Current Research in American Studies (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Surfing through the American Century: How Surfing Helps Us Understand the Modern United States."
Cathryn Halverson
Minot State University, 2021—2022.
American 20th-Century Literature (undergraduate), Cultures of Migration and Diaspora (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Women’s Life Narrative and the American West: ’They Think it so Wonderful I am from Far Away’."
William Haltom
University of Puget Sound, 2020—2021 (visit suspended due to the corona virus pandemic)
Jayson Gonzales Sae Saue
Southern Methodist University, 2019—2020
Race and Ethnicity, Literature and Intersectionallity, American Politics, Cultures of Migration and Diaspora
Fulbright Lecture: "The U.S. Mexico-Border and Mexican Americans: Contradictions of U.S. History."
Mark Weiner
Rutgers University, 2018—2019
American Politics I (undergraduate), American Politics II (undergraduate)
2019 Fulbright Lecture (video)
Thomas J. Brown
University of South Carolina, Fall 2017—Spring 2018
American History I (undergraduate), American History II (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Ironclad Icon: Remembering John Ericsson in Sweden and America."
Lois Banner
University of Southern California, Spring 2017
American History II (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, and the Creation of Ideal Beauty."
Karen V. Hansen
Brandeis University, Boston, Spring 2016
American History II (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Becoming American: Two Paths to Citizenship–Immigrants and Indians in Early 20th-Century U.S." (March 2016)
Ramona Curry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2015
American Mass Media II (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "How Chinese Film Came to America: Pioneering Trans-Pacific Filmmakers Joseph Sunn Jue and Esther Eng." (February 2015)
Steven Schier
Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, Spring 2014
"American Politics II" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Obama the Swede? Reinfeldt the American? Comparing Political Leaders." (April 2014)
Lyssna på en intervju med Steven Schier i Sveriges Radio, 14 juni 2014
Susan Hegeman
University of Florida, Fall 2012—Spring 2013
"Postmodernism and Beyond: Narrative Turns since 1960" (master's)
Fulbright Lecture: "Casinos, Slow Food, and the Occupy Movement." (January 30, 2013)
Ulf Jonas Björk
School of Journalism at Indiana University-Indianapolis, Spring 2012
"American Mass Media II" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "From Indian Books to Cable TV Sex: The American Media Presence in Sweden." (April 19, 2012)
Jennifer Eastman Attebery
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Spring 2011
"Reading Native American Literature in Context: An Interdisciplinary Folklore/Literature Course" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "'Sköna maj, välkommen!' Swedish-American Celebrations of the Spring and Summer Seasons." (April 14, 2011)
Michael Joyce
Vassar College, Spring 2010
"American 20th-Century Literature" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Writing America Anew: The Roots of Innovative Fiction and Poetry." (April 20, 2010)
Adriana Méndez Rodenas
University of Iowa, Iowa City, 2008—2009
"Race and Ethnicity: The Latino Experience in the United States" (undergraduate); "Life Lines: U.S. Latino Autobiography" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "At Home in America: Fredrika Bremer's Sketches of Plantation Society, 1850-1851." (April 27, 2009)
Walter A. Jackson
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2007—2008
"American History" (undergraduate); "The American Civil Rights Movement" (undergraduate); "Race and Ethnicity in American Society" (master's)
Fulbright Lecture: "From Sweden to America: Gunnar Myrdal's Critique of Racial Inequality in the United States." (April 23, 2008)
Loren Schweninger
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Spring 2007
"Race in American History, 1650-1915" (undergraduate); "American History: Race and Slavery in America" (master's)
Fulbright Lecture: "The Struggle for Freedom: Slave Women and the Law in the United States." (March 22, 2007)
Eric Arnesen
University of Illinois at Chicago, Spring 2006
"Social Movements in Twentieth-Century America" (undergraduate); "Race and Ethnicity in Recent American History" (master's)
Fulbright Lecture: "From King to Katrina: The Fate of Racial Equality in America." (April 27, 2006)
V.P. Franklin
Teachers College, Columbia University, Spring 2005
"U.S. African American History in the 20th Century" (master's); "The Civil Rights Movement in the United States" (master's); "United States History in the 20th Century" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "From Slavery to Freedom and Beyond: The Significance of the U.S. African American Experience." (April 14, 2005)
Ronald E. Weber
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Spring 2004
"American Politics" (undergraduate); "Race and Ethnicity in American Society" (master's); "American Politics in a Comparative Perspective" (undergraduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Can the 2004 Elections Change Who Really Governs the U.S.? Electoral reform, Special Interests, and the Washington Establishment." (April 28, 2004)
Robert A. Goldberg
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Fall 2003
"American History" (undergraduate); "American History" (master's)
Fulbright Lecture: "Enemies Within: American Conspiracy Thinking and the September 11 Attack." (November 19, 2003)
Ann Fisher-Wirth
University of Mississippi, Oxford, 2002—2003
"The Sense of Place in American Literature" (undergraduate); "Contemporary Southern Fiction" (advanced)
Fulbright Lecture: "Storied Earth, Storied Lives: Contemporary Environmental American Literature." (November 18, 2002)
Howard L. Reiter
University of Connecticut, Storrs, 2001—2002
"American Politics" (undergraduate); "American-European Politics Compared" (advanced and undergraduate).
Fulbright Lecture: "Turning Points: Three Decisive Moments in American History." (October 25, 2001)
David R. Goldfield
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 2000—-2001
"Urban America in the Twentieth Century" (advanced and graduate students)
Fulbright Lecture: "After Civil Rights: Race Relations in the American South Today." (October 17, 2000)
David Plotke
New School for Social Research, New York, 1999—2000
"American Politics" (Undergraduate); "Contemporary American Politics in Comparative Perspective" (advanced and graduate students)
Fulbright Lecture: "Does Immigration Threaten Democracy? Reflections on the Contemporary American Case." (October 28, 1999)
Elyce Rotella
Indiana University, Bloomington, 1998—99
"Economic History of the United States" (undergraduate); "Economic History of the United States" (graduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Organizing Ordinary Life: Saving and Borrowing in 19th Century Urban America." (November 5, 1998)
James Gilbert
University of Maryland, College Park, Spring 1998
"Twentieth Century American Culture" (advanced and graduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "Science and Religion: The American Dialogue." (February 6, 1998)
Barbara Kellerman
University of Maryland, College Park, 1996—1997
"North American Society and Culture" (undergraduate); "American Politics" (undergraduate); "Comparative Political Leadership in the U.S. and in Europe" (advanced and graduate)
Fulbright Lecture: "The American President as Leader in the Post Post-Cold-War World." (September 19, 1996)
Herbert W. Simons
Temple University, Philadelphia, Spring 1996
"Politics and Rhetoric" (undergraduate)
Barbara L. Nicholson
West Virginia Graduate College, Institute, VW, Spring 1995
"Politics and Rhetoric" (undergraduate)
Bruce E. Gronbeck
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Spring 1992
"Electric Rhetoric: Mass-Mediated Languages of American Politics" (undergraduate)
W. Lance Bennett
University of Washington, Seattle, Fall 1989
Brian Attebery
Idaho State University, Pocatello, Spring 1988
"Women Writers of Science Fiction" (advanced and graduate)
Robert H. Walker
George Washington University, Washington, D.C., Spring 1987
"Reform in America" (advanced and graduate)