Working conditions and employee benefits
This is a brief summary of your working conditions and benefits as an employee at Uppsala University. More information can be found on our intranet, the Staff Gateway (Medarbetaringången).
Salaries are set on an individual basis.
Salaries are normally paid on the 25th of each month. If the 25th falls on a Saturday, salaries are paid on the 24th, and if the 25th is a Sunday, salaries are paid on the 26th.
Salaries are paid through the bank Danske Bank. You do not need to be, or become, a customer of Danske Bank to register a bank account - in the account register you can register an account from any Swedish bank. You need to register your bank account at Danske Bank's Payroll Service for salary payment. Ask the HR administrator at your host department for assistance.
You can read your pay slip in the personal reporting function on the intranet, Primula web.
Working hours
Working hours are 40 hours per week for full-time employees.
Single days falling between public holidays and a Saturday or Sunday are not workdays.
Teachers in full-time positions are expected to work as follows: 1,700 hours/academic year (employees from the age of 40), 1,732 hours/academic year (employees 30–39 years old), and 1,756 hours/academic year (employees up to 29 years old).
Some departments apply a local agreement on flexible working hours. This means that employees have the option of selecting working hours within certain set parameters. Your HR administrator will provide you with more information.
Reduced working hours
On the following days, normal working hours are reduced by the number of hours stated below:
- Epiphany – 4 hours
- Maundy Thursday – 2 hours
- 30 April, falling on a Monday–Thursday – 2 hours
- 30 April, falling on a Friday – 4 hours
- Day before All Saint’s Day – 4 hours
- 23 December, falling on a Friday – 4 hours
Public holidays
- New Year’s Day – 1 January
- Epiphany Eve – 5 January
- Epiphany Day – Moving date, the Thursday before Easter Sunday
- Good Friday – Moving date, the Friday before Easter Sunday
- Easter Eve – Moving date, the Saturday before Easter Sunday
- Easter Sunday – Moving date, first Sunday after full moon, after spring equinox
- Easter Monday – Moving date, the Monday after Easter Sunday
- Labour Day – 1 May
- Ascension Day – Moving date, sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday
- Sweden’s National Day – 6 June
- Whitsun eve – Moving date, the day before Whit Sunday
- Whitsun day – Moving date, the seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday
- Midsummer’s Eve – Moving date, Friday before Midsummer's Day
- Midsummer’s Day – Moving date, Saturday 20 June to 26 June
- All Saint’s Day – Moving date, Saturday between 31 October and 6 November
- Christmas Eve – 24th December
- Christmas Day – 25 December
- Boxing Day – 26 December
- New Year’s Eve – 31 December
Holiday entitlement
- Employees up to 29 years old: 28 days
- Employees 30–39 years old: 31 days
- Employees more than 40 years old: 35 days
Standard holiday
According to a local collective agreement, standard holiday applies to teachers (including researchers, postdocs, doctoral students, assistants with doctoral grants and teaching assistants) meaning that holiday is registered during the time of year when there is no tuition, starting Monday after Midsummer. The standard holiday is entered into the salary system by the salary unit in October, so you do not need to apply for holiday yourself.
If an employee with standard holiday wants to have his/her holiday at another time (i.e. make an exception from standard holiday), an agreement signed by the head of department no later than 31 May should be sent to the salary unit. If the exception is approved by the head of department, the employee must apply for holiday him-/herself through Primula web.
Holiday bonus
For each day of holiday, a holiday bonus of 0.49% of the salary is paid. The bonus is paid in the same month in which the holidays are taken.
Paid leave
You are entitled to pay without deduction during leave as follows below:
Reason: Serious illness, death, funeral, estate inventory proceedings, or distribution of an estate within the family or one’s closest relatives. Time: One working day for each purpose and if needed time for travel, maximum 10 working days per calendar year.
Reason: Moving house. Time: One working day
Reason: Union representation Time: Up to 10 working days per year
Reason: Examination or test Time: Up to 5 working days per year
Reason: Moving house, if reimbursement for relocation costs has been agreed upon. Time: Up to 3 working days
Sick leave
If you fall ill, you should notify your workplace as soon as possible. If the illness lasts for more than 7 days, a doctor’s certificate must be presented.
Rules currently apply throughout the labour market regarding a so-called qualifying day in the event of illness.
For the first 2–14 days of illness, you receive sick pay from UU. Sick pay amounts to 80% of your current daily salary. From the 15th day, the Social Insurance Agency pays sickness benefits.
Personal injury insurance
All employees at Uppsala University are covered by personal injury insurance during work hours and when travelling directly between the place of residence and the workplace. More information about the personal injury insurance is found at AFA.
Service Group Life Insurance
The service group life insurance provides financial protection for an employee´s surviving husband, wife, registered partner, cohabitant and children, in case the employee should die before the age of 65. More information about the service group life insurance is found at SPV.
Business Travel Insurance
The University has taken out a group insurance policy covering all domestic and international business travel on behalf of Uppsala University. For travels outside of the EU/EEA you need to bring a ‘Swedish state business travel insurance certificate’, which can be obtained from the HR administrator at your host department. For travels within the EU/EEA, you need to bring a European Health Insurance Card, which can be obtained from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
Swedish state insurance for foreign visitors by Kammarkollegiet
The University has signed an insurance for foreign visitors who doesn't have a personal identity number in Sweden, which automatically covers all foreign citizens who participate in Uppsala University's activities, as employees or non-employees. The insurance also covers accompanying family members. The insurance covers emergency medical and dental care protection.
The insurance does not cover students at the undergraduate or master's degree program registered in Uppdok/Ladok.
VDU glasses
Employees who work for more than one hour a day in front of a computer screen are entitled to VDU (visual display unit) glasses paid for by Uppsala University. Eye tests and glasses have to be bought through the optician chain Synsam and a signed order (rekvisition) from your department should be brought to the optician. The form to be used for the signed order is found on our intranet, Medarbetaringången. The HR administrator at your host department will provide you with more information.
Pensions scheme
As an employee at Uppsala University, you will receive a pension from several sources. The base is formed by the national retirement pension paid by the Swedish Pensions Agency (corresponding to 18.5 percent of your salary and other taxable benefits). From Uppsala University you also will receive a government employee pension through the Occupational Pensions Agreement. This part is administered by the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV). The government employee pension consists of three parts: defined-benefit pension, complementary occupational pension, and individual retirement pension. You can read more about your government employee pension at The National Government Employee Pensions Board's website (SPV).
Parental leave, parental benefit and temporary parental benefit
You have the right to 100% parental leave until your child turns 18 months, with or without parental benefit from the Social Insurance Agency. After that, you have the right to partial parental leave until the end of the school year your child turns 12 years old. If your child is ill, you can obtain temporary parental benefit when you stay at home to look after the child. More information about parental benefit and temporary parental benefit is found at the Social Insurance Agency.
Parental leave pay
When you are on parental leave, you receive parental benefit from the Social Insurance Agency. On top of this, parental leave pay is an extra sum of money which you receive from Uppsala University. It comprises 10 percent of your current daily salary and is paid for a maximum of 360 days per child. More information is found at our intranet, Medarbetaringången.
Medication subsidy
Costs for medical prescriptions covered by the high-cost protection scheme* are reimbursed by the University. Claims for reimbursement for prescription medicines that qualify for the high-cost protection scheme can only be submitted once a year and must be submitted no later than in January of the year following the calendar year in which the costs were incurred. To be entitled to reimbursement for medicines, you also need to provide evidence of the costs in the form of a register extract from the Swedish eHealth Agency’s high-cost database.
*) The high-cost protection scheme is a system subsidized by the government, meaning that you pay a maximum of SEK 2,850 per year for medicine. Once you have paid this sum, medicine is free of charge.
Health-care compensation
Uppsala University offers reimbursement for medical treatment, SEK 95 per treatment session. You can also be reimbursed for some dental care (i.e. oral surgery), psychological treatment, and X-rays (the amount is SEK 95 per treatment session) and for physiotherapy (SEK 55 per treatment session). For psychological treatment, X-rays, and physiotherapy, a doctor’s referral is required. Moreover, hospital treatment is reimbursed SEK 70 for each day of treatment. The reimbursement will be paid through the salary system, and you are asked to send in your receipts to the Payroll Unit.
Occupational Health Service
Uppsala University has agreements with Falck (Uppsala) and Avonova (Visby) for occupational health services, meaning that employees can visit them for work-related problems. Visits to the occupational health service are free of charge but must be approved by your manager.
Wellness and fitness activities subsidy
As an employee at Uppsala University you are offered a wellness subsidy of SEK 2,000 per year. The subsidy is offered for activities such as for example aerobics, spinning, football, bowling, and tennis. To be reimbursed, you need to register your expenses for wellness subsidy in Primula Web. If you have any questions about the fitness activities subsidy, the HR administrator at your department will be happy to help you.
Wellness hour
Full-time employees are allowed to spend one hour of their workweek on health and wellness activities. Please note that this allowance is conditional on your manager’s approval. Your wellness hour is proportionate to the scope of your employment. For example, if you work 50% of full-time, you are entitled to 30 minutes and if you work 75% of full-time you are entitled to 45 minutes. The hour includes change of clothing/transportation and cannot be accumulated over several weeks.
Museums and Gardens
Mummies, dinosaurs, old books, gardens and beautiful art – the large scientific, artistic, and cultural collections have been tended in Uppsala since the Middle Ages. Uppsala University’s museums and gardens are an important resource to research and education, for visitors, and for the people of Uppsala. For employees at Uppsala University, admission is free.
Service certificate and testimonial
On request, the Payroll unit issues a certificate of service (tjänstgöringsintyg). This certificate contains details of all employment at Uppsala University: the position, department and the duration of the employment. If the employment has lasted for a long period (at least six months), the employee normally receives a testimonial (tjänstgöringsbetyg), which contains details of the employment as well as work duties and an appraisal of how they have been performed. The testimonial is issued by the employee’s immediate manager.
Professional development
For Uppsala University, it is important that during your employment, you are given the opportunity to both maintain and develop your expertise in line with developments in your field. The University offers a wide range of courses for employees; of which some are offered in English. Please see Uppsala University’s intranet Medarbetaringången for more information.
Equal opportunities
At Uppsala University, all employees and students must be able to work and pursue studies on equal terms. Everyone must be treated with equal respect and understanding. Equal opportunities mean that all individuals, without regard to sex, transgender identity and/or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age, enjoy the same prospect for performing optimally. For the University, equal opportunity is a matter of both justice and quality, and the University actively pursues work for equal opportunities and against discrimination. This work is guided by the Discrimination Act and the University’s Equal Opportunities Programme and the Action Plan for Equal Opportunities and the Action Plan for Equal Treatment of Students.