Game Production 1: Arcade Games

15 credits

Syllabus, Bachelor's level, 5SD063

Education cycle
First cycle
Main field(s) of study and in-depth level
Game Design G1F
Grading system
Fail (U), Pass (G), Pass with distinction (VG)
Finalised by
The Department Board, 3 February 2016
Responsible department
Department of Game Design

General provisions

The course is part of the Bachelor's programmes Game Design and Graphics, 180 Credits, Game Design and Programming, 180 Credits, Game Design and Project Leadership, 180 Credits and Game Design, 180 Credits

Entry requirements

Game Design 1: Introduction, 15 credits

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

  • understand and apply production procedures, i.e. the planning, implementation, documentation and evaluation of a game development project.
  • display an understanding and knowledge of iterative process models.
  • design games using unique user interfaces.
  • design games taking into account the players’ physical position and exposure.
  • display a basic understanding of how to present a game pitch.


As a project, students carry out a physical game construction which is spatial and interactive and composed with a focus upon user interfaces, MDI and the exposed position of the player in the room. As the course progresses, the various components will be highlighted from a group dynamic and process-led perspective in order to enable reflection and analysis in project contexts.

The course encompasses the entire project process from idea to implementation: preparatory work (definition of target group, study of technical limitations and risk minimisation), presentation of an elevator pitch, concept documentation, written project plans, regular monitoring and reporting in accordance with the project plan and the implementation, presentation and evaluation of the project.


Teaching consists of lectures, teacher-led exercises, laboratory work and supervision during the project.


The following will be assessed: Concept documentation, Scrum-documents, alpha presentation, beta presentation and the project report.

The procedure is that a project plan with its associated concept documents are to be handed in for assessment along with the implementation, documentation and evaluation of the project.


The possible grades for the course are Pass with Distinction, Pass or Fail. To achieve a Pass with Distinction grade, a student must receive a Pass with Distinction grade for his/her project report.

Plagiarism and cheating

Uppsala University has a strict attitude towards cheating and plagiarism and disciplinary measures will be taken against students who are suspected of involvement in any kind of cheating/plagiarism. The disciplinary measures take the form of a warning and suspension for a limited period.

NB: Only a completed course may be counted towards a degree.

