Epigenetic Management of Stress and Disease

2 credits

Course, Master's level, 1BL807

Autumn 2023 Autumn 2023, Flexible, 25%, Distance learning, English

About the course

The genome is responsible for most of the phenotypic and behavioural variations between different species and within a population. However, it isn't just the sequence of the DNA that determines phenotypes, but also the mechanism by which some genes are activated, and others are silenced. The question is how this is controlled. Also how cells with the same genotype can be differentiated into cells with completely different phenotypes and functions. For most of these phenotypic outcomes that are irrespective of the genotype, epigenetic modifications are considered as being responsible. The environment has a significant effect on how the epigenome is modulated in a positive or negative way.

In this course, we will discuss the role of epigenetic modifications in the development of phenotypes associated with stress and disease.

Outline for distance course: The course is composed of serval on-line lectures and in-depth discussions of the topics and seminar presentations by the students. Communication between teachers and students takes place on a learning management system and with e-meeting tools. Access to a computer with a stable internet connection and a web camera is required.

The course will start with one week of lectures and then four weeks of preparation of the project will follow.

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