Collaboration at Centre for Clinical Research Västerås

The local nodes

The local nodes are Forum Mellansverige's direct line to the operational activities regarding clinical studies and are an important part of the information and communication structure.

Forum Mellansverige is the regional Node for the coordination of clinical studies and consists of seven regions - Gävleborg, Uppsala, Sörmland, Västmanland, Örebro, Dalarna and Värmland - which are represented in the regional governing body Samverkansnämnden (Task Managers).

The Regional Node is a unit within the Regional Research Council (RFR). The local node in Västmanland is part of the Center for Innovation, Research and Education (CIFU)/Centre for clinical research Region Västmanland and functions as a local contact and information exchange forum by:

  • Establish, develop and maintain networks for research nurses and other research promotion staff/research representatives.
  • Arrange/convey training in e.g. GCP, statistics and scientific methodology.
  • Assist researchers and companies to identify interested investigators and clinicians.
  • Offer advice on matters relating to clinical studies.
  • Contribute to local collaboration of skills and resources within clinical studies.
  • Administer region Västmanland's project database where all research projects in region Västmanland are registered and published.

The local node also participates in regional and national development projects together with Forum Mellansverige.

Kliniska studier Sverige Forum Mellansverige

Kliniska studier Sverige Forum Mellansverige

