Research at Centre for Clinical Research Västerås
Research conducted at the Center for Clinical Research Västmanland (CKF) has a strong clinical focus. The research projects connected to CKF should originate from daily patient work.
Our task is to conduct research from a patient perspective, both clinically and in public health science, therefore our research covers several seemingly disparate areas.
The research conducted at CKF is broad and spans many different areas, from healthcare organization to children and youth, gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, epidemiology, public health, physiotherapy, cardiovascular diseases, infection, women's health and maternity care, psychiatry, dentistry, eyes, ear-nose-throat, anesthesia and intensive care. We study risk and protective factors for various disease states, as well as how different treatment options affect the patient in the short and long term.
We have various research projects that study the care of the very youngest, the prematurely born, to studies on why we finally die. Please read about some of our research areas below.
In addition to this, CKF conducts so-called postgraduate training, that is, our researchers supervise a large number of doctoral students who do their work at CKF with anchorage at various institutions/universities in the country.