Research ethics for university employees
Knowledge about regulatory frameworks and guidelines is key for science and research of good quality. We have developed training modules that are available for staff at Uppsala University.
Good research practice
Good research practice is a key factor for qualitative, reliable, useful and responsible research at Uppsala University. Research ethics plays an important role in reconciling opposing interests, in a way that promotes and conserves public trust in science. Access to research ethics training is essential for employees to understand the responsibilities attached to their role. It also promotes a sense of security to have the skills required to take that responsibility.
Flexible training modules for staff
Our training modules provide knowledge about ethics review and other required permissions, and what good research practice entails. The modules clarify the researcher's responsibilities, help researchers act responsibly, and how to hold a researcher responsible.
Flexible course modules for staff
Tailor your research ethics training using our course modules at Uppsala University
Mandatory research ethics training
Research ethics training is mandatory for new teachers and researchers in medicine and pharmacy.
Our teaching philosophy
Good education rests on a solid foundation of research. Good teaching begins in the teacher's own knowledge and competence. Questions are at the core of training and education, with examination becoming an integrated part of learning.
Ethics for master level
The Centre offers three master level courses for 7,5 credits each at the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, covering neuroethics, ethics and public health & ethics in research, writing and communication.
Ethics for future professionals
Ethical dilemmas and value conflicts arise every day, in every workplace. Uppsala University is providing skills for future professionals by integrating ethics in the syllabus for several education programmes.