About the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB)
Multi-disciplinary research, teaching and training on current ethical issues, using philosophical, empirical and normative approaches.
The Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB) is an inter-faculty centre, led by a board representing Uppsala University's three disciplinary domains. The Centre is administratively associated to the Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine. The Centre is led by a Director, who answers to the Centre's board, and a research group leader, who answers to the board of the Department.
Niklas Juth
Professor of medical ethics and research leader at CRB. Focus on the ethical issues that arise at the intersection of political philosophy and medical ethics. Chair of the ethics council of Region Uppsala.

Stefan Eriksson
Director of CRB, Senior lecturer & Associate Professor of research ethics, Advisor to the vice chancellor on good research practice, Research & teaching on scientific misconduct, autonomy, informed consent & publication ethics.

Josepine Fernow
Science communicator, project manager, communications strategist and CRB coordinator. Develops strategy and plan for science communication and research impact at the center and in EU-funded research consortia.

Anna Holm Bodin
Science communicator and responsible for the Centre's web and social media. Responsible for communication in several EU-funded research consortia.

Fanny Klingvall
Science communicator working in EU-funded projects about gender equality and medication safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Our board
The Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB) is an inter-faculty centre, led by a board representing Uppsala University's three disciplinary domains.
Researchers, lecturers and professors
Anna T. Höglund
Professor in care ethics with a focus on gender studies. Expertise on ethical competence for healthcare personnel, moral stress and priorities in healthcare.
Deborah Mascalzoni
Research about ethics and policy for advanced research approaches in genetics and biomaterials with the integration of participant-centric approaches.
Jennifer Viberg Johansson
Associate professor in medical ethics, with a research focus on methods that measure people's preferences and how to balance preferences against other ethical values; artificial intelligence and digital health information.

Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist
Teaches ethics at the molecular biology and medical doctors programmes. Senior lecturer in biomedical ethics and Associate Professor in practical philosophy, with a research focus on moral responsibility in various fields.

Kathinka Evers
Research with a focus on philosophy of mind, neurophilosophy, neuroethics, bioethics and artificial intelligence. Professor ad honoram at Universidad Central de Chile.

Manuel Guerrero
Research on the ethical and social implications of interdisciplinary brain research and development of neurotechnologies, dual use, human rights and responsible research and innovation.

Mats Hansson
Senior professor in biomedical ethics with expertise in clinical issues, genetics and biobanks. Research focus on drug safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and genetic screening.

Michele Farisco
Researcher focusing on issues related to consciousness, artificial intelligence and neuroethics. Collaborates with neuroscientists, AI researchers and clinicians to develop indicators of consciousness to diagnose patients, and to recognize consciousness in animals and machines.
Mirko Ancillotti
Reseach on public health, ethics, and patient preferences. Works with questions about the effect of lighting, cancer patient preferences, and antibiotic resistance.

Pernilla Pergert
Teaches ethics at the nursing and specialist nursing programmes. Senior lecturer in caring science and associate professor of paediatric care science with a special focus on clinical ethics and intercultural care.
Pär Segerdahl
Associate professor of philosophy and editor of Uppsala University’s Ethics Blog. Researches how philosophy can support thoughtfulness in debates about ethically sensitive issues, and chairs the research seminar.

Sonja Bjelobaba
Research and teaching with a focus on academic integrity, research ethics and pedagogical development. Develops flexible and modular training on ethics and research integrity for new employees at Uppsala University.

Sylvia Martin
Research focus on newborn screening and Multiple Sclerosis. Expertise in cognitive emotional behavioral therapy, personality disorders treatment, impulsivity and consciousness.
William Bülow O'Nils
Senior lecturer in biomedical ethics, with research focus on normative issues that arise in the intersection of ethics, law and policy.

Åsa Grauman
Researches how individuals perceive health risks and how we are affected by risk information, including through preference studies, with a focus on breast cancer, bowel cancer, precision medicine, and screening for rare diseases.

PhD students and research assistants
Adam Ehlert
Doctoral student investigating severity as a criterion for priorities in healthcare, whether early death contributes to severity and whether severity should be understood in subjective or objective terms.

Emelie Gustafson Hedov
Doctoral student focusing on ethical aspects of AI in emergency care, including questions related to communication, responsibility and autonomy.
Erica Sundell
Research assistant with a background as a nurse and public health scientist. Works with coordination, data collection and other study-specific tasks within various projects at the center.

Jens Lundegård
Doctoral student investigating how increasing management control impacts the practice of family medicine. Specialist in family medicine and working as a general practitioner.

Kajsa Norberg Wieslander
Doctoral student exploring ethical issues in clinical research with children, with particular focus on children with cancer and informed consent.
Karl Sallin
Doctoral student investigating philosophical and neuroscientific aspects of resignation syndrome. Working as consultant in paediatric neurology at Astrid Lindgren Childrens' Hospital.

Susanna Pohjola
Doctoral student with a focus on ethical dilemmas and ethical competence when providing dietary advice. Evaluates an educational intervention with a focus on its feasibility.

Associated researchers
Amal Matar
Researcher and medical doctor focusing on issues related to artificial intelligence, culture and neuroscience, social and ethical aspects of new applications of genomics and reproductive technology.
Anna Lydia Svalastog
Associated researcher & full Professor of Psychosocial Work at Østfold University College in Norway.

Charlotta Ingvoldstad Malmgren
Associated reseracher & genetic counsellor at the center for fetal medicine at Karolinska University Hospital and Centre for Rare Diseases.

Ciara Staunton
Associated researcher at CRB focusing on stem cell research, genomic research and biobanking, and the use of health data in research.

Erica Falkenström
Associated researcher at CRB & Senior Researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm, with a specialization in organizational ethics in healthcare.

Jennifer Drevin
Associated researcher at CRB. Reg. nurse, public health scientist, PhD and medical student. Did her PhD on epidemiological and psychometric studies within the field of Reproductive Health.

Joar Björk
Physician and clinical ethicist. Research focuses on prioritization challenges, autonomy issues and ethical support in healthcare.

Jorien Veldwijk
Associated researcher & Assistant professor at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. Expert on Discrete Choice Experiments.

Karin Schölin Bywall
Associated researcher at CRB & Senior Lecturer at the School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Division of Public Health Sciences, Mälardalen University.

Linus Johnsson
Associated researcher at CRB and general practitioner. Engaged in several projects about the everyday ethical decision making of GPs, their work environment, and communication with patients.

Sara Frygner-Holm
Associated researcher at CRB, physiotherapist & Lecturer at the Department of Women's and Children's health.
Tove Godskesen
Associate Professor of Medical Ethics at Uppsala University and Professor in Nursing at Nord University, Norway.

Our publications
We publish the results of our research in scientific journals and in books. We publish dissertations, recommendations and reports and participate in the debate - both in media and through the Ethics Blog.
Visit us!
The Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics is located at Uppsala Biomedical Centre (BMC).