Linus Johnsson
Associated researcher at CRB and general practitioner. Engaged in several projects about the everyday ethical decisionmaking of GPs, their work environment, and communication with patients.
Linus Johnsson is a general practitioner with a PhD in bioethics. His main research interest is in the everyday moral decision-making of general practitioners and its relation to their professional ethics, work environment, and demands from patients and institutions. His current research is mainly empirical and theory-generating, using Grounded Theory as a methodological approach. He also teaches medical ethics to resident physicians.

- Jens Lundegård, (Co-supervisor) Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala University, on “General practice undergoing change: How does increasingly detailed management affect general practitioners’ clinical decision making, doctor–patient relationships and work environment?” since March 2022.
- Florim Delijaj (Co-supervisor) Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, on “Effect of nocturnal retroflection of the neck on sleep apnea” since November 2016.