ANRAP - Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants
ANRAP started through the organisation of "The First International Seminar on Plant Materials as a Source of Antidiabetic Agents" in January 1994, which gathered scientists from 14 countries.
It was felt during the discussions between the collaborating scientists and the representatives from ISP and the International Foundation for Science (IFS), that a broad forum in the form of a network ought to be formed in order to coordinate the research efforts in the field of antidiabetic plant materials in the region.
Nodes are located in:
- Bangladesh
- Philippines
- India
- Malaysia
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
ANRAP is coordinated by Dr Begum Rokeya, and is hosted by the Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- To develop close cooperation between the scientists working in the field of antidiabetic plant research
- To compile information on the antidiabetic plant materials reported in scientific literature and reputed in the folkloric use
- To exchange views, experiences and information among researchers in the field
- To make a concerted effort in finding antidiabetic principles from plant sources
- To scientifically evaluate the formulations prepared from one or more plants and used in traditional medical systems
- To make facilities available in one laboratory to the workers in other labs
- To train junior research workers especially postgraduate students at laboratories where proper facilities are available
- To arrange exchange of visits by scientists working in the field
- To organise seminars on plant materials as a source of antidiabetic agents
- To cooperate with scientists working in various fields of natural products involving other plants or disease areas
Dr Begum Rokeya, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Bangladesh