
NCK shall provide support to authorities and organisations on issues of men's violence against women, honour-related violence and oppression, and violence in same-sex relationships. As the government's national knowledge and resource centre, NCK collaborates with a number of authorities and other actors in the field of knowledge.

Collaboration takes place through various networks. NCK runs two of these: The National Authority Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing for Violence against Women and the National Network for Regions.

National network for regions

The national network for regions includes representatives from all the country's regions responsible for anti-violence work in the health sector. The network aims to strengthen collaboration and contribute to the exchange of information and experience.

Contact: Johanna Belachew

The National Authority Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing for Violence against Women

The National Authority Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing for Violence against Women is a group of 27 national authorities, as well as county administrative boards and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR). The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence Against Women convenes the group.

Inter-agency collaboration is intended to be an arena for exchanging experiences, exchanging ideas and disseminating knowledge about women's safety, as well as enabling collaboration on specific projects.

The group will also work to disseminate knowledge to people who, in their professional or voluntary work, meet women who are victims of violence, children and young people who experience violence and/or men who perpetrate violence. All this should stimulate and strengthen the work for women's safety within the various authorities.

The aim of the The National Authority Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing for Violence against Women is to keep the issue of women's safety on the agenda.

Contact: Annika Töyrä

