Study at the Tandem Laboratory

Two men in a laboratory seen from the back. They sit in front of three computer screens and seem to discuss some data shown on one screen. In the background a beamline, cables and scientific instruments are visible.

The Tandem Laboratory contributes to undergraduate education at Uppsala University as well as organises a yearly PhD course on ion beam materials analysis.

The Tandem Laboratory supports education of students, researchers, and society as a whole. We contribute numerous activities to courses in undergraduate education at Uppsala University, and regularly offer undergraduate thesis projects. In addition, we provide advanced user training for graduate students and researchers all over Sweden.

We offer study visits for interested members of the public on request.

Are you a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at Uppsala University and interested in ion beam based physics and materials analysis? The Division for Materials Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy regularly offers thesis projects as well as shorter projects that use methods and infrastructure found at the Tandem laboratory. The projects span a wide range from fundamental to applied research using experimental as well as computational methods.

Currently available projects

Attention: The course will run next in May 2025!

The Tandem Laboratory, in cooperation with the Division for Materials Physics, offers a PhD course within ion beam materials analysis on a yearly basis. PhD students from universities and technical institutes from all over Sweden are welcome to participate. The course, with an extent of 5 ECTS credits, consists of a series of lectures and lab exercises.

Course content overview:

  • Fundamental interactions between ions and matter
  • The different ion-beam-based analytical (IBA) methods at the Tandem Laboratory
  • Instruments and other hardware relevant for experiments
  • Simulation programs and data handling

In addition, students will participate in two lab exercises covering Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) at the Tandem Laboratory. Participants are encouraged to bring samples from their own research.

Successful alumni of the course are welcome to join the IBA user group. This means that they are granted access to the Tandem Laboratory and can book beamtime at our accelerators to employ IBA methods in their own research work.

More information on the course can be obtained from Robert Frost:


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