About The Tandem Laboratory

Set-up with several glass tubes and flasks and cooling dewars. It is standing outside a window through which a snowy landscape is visible.

Representatives of the Tandem board

Max Wolff, professor, Uppsala University, chair
Daniel Primetzhofer, professor, Uppsala University, director of the laboratory
Maria Hahlin, associate professor, Uppsala University
Zhen Zhang, professor, Uppsala University
Per Petersson, researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Catarina Sahlberg, research advisor, Uppsala University
Daniel Gautam, PhD student, Uppsala University, student representative

Funding and support

The Tandem Laboratory is a Swedish national research infrastructure and a unit with department like status within the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University.

In addition to our extensive contracting activities with industry and society, the Tandem Laboratory is supported by the Swedish Research Council. The laboratory also forms a node in the fusion research programme EUROfusion funded by the European Commission. Transnational access to our facilities can be gained via several programs within the Horizon Europe framework funded by the European Commission:

ReMade@ARI – a hub for materials research

RIANA – research infrastructure access in nanoscience & nanotechnology

