
Building cultivated societies that understand, for example, how antibiotics work, what antibiotic resistance is and how individual behavior can make a difference is essential in managing and tackling antibioic resistance. UAC promotes knowledge and awareness by participating at different outreach events in the country and hosting student visits to the univeristy.

In these occasions, we talk to the public (families, teachers, students of all ages) about microbiology, infectious diseases, antibiotics and resistance, using an array of tools and visuals to achieve an interactive learning process.

Uppsala's SciFest

Uppsala is host to the second largest science fair in Sweden, and you can find us there arranging a station on microbiology and antibiotic resistance. With us,visitors learn what bacteria are, the importance of the microbiome and flora for health, how bacteria are studied in the lab, and how antibacterial resistance evolves and spreads. An element of gamification for learning is implemented with the visitors playing our game “Cure Me: an antibiotic resistance game”.

hand palying a board game

CureMe board game

This game show the players what could potentially happen after an antibiotic treatment when a patient is suffering from an infection from “bad bacteria”. Players will observe how long it can take to be cured, why it is good to follow the advice of a physician and how and why the selection of resistant bacteria happens.

Are you a teacher interested in using this game in your classroom? Send us an email and we will provide you with all the material and information needed!

hand palying a board game

Student group visits

At UAC we believe in providing a bridge between the university and the young generation's classrooms. Student group visits are a great way to inspire younger generations to be interested in science and potentially pursuing STEM careers.

If you are interested in bringing your students to our labs to learn about microbiology and antibiotics, send us an email.

group of students in front of a researcher


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