Ep 13. Claas Kirchhelle & a historian's role in AMR. Review of progress on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Welcome to our first anniversary episode! Turning 1 with you by featuring the interview we did with Dr. Claas Kirchhelle, a historian at the University of Oxford. Tune in to get a peek into how historians like him contribute to the study and communication of AMR. Also, we briefly cover the recent publication looking into the progress done on the gobal Antimicrobial Resistance work, after the recommendations published back in 2015. A lot has been done, but a lot is still needed!
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Relevant links:
- Dr. Claas Kirchhelle's page.
- Dr. Claas Kirchhelle's Twitter feed. Another very active user!
Further Reading:
- Pharming animals: a global history of antibiotics in food production (1935–2017) . Nature article covering the content of Dr. Kirchhelle's talk at the UAC seminar.
- The forgotten typers: The rise and fall of Weimar bacteriophage-typing (1921–1935). Latests of Dr. Kirchhelle's papers.
- Review of Progress on Antimicrobial Resistance. Read the whole published article.
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