Ep 16. John Rex & Antibiotics R&D. AMR in Newspapers. Collateral sensitivity mechanisms.

Hi listeners! New month, new episode at The AMR Studio. Spring is around the corner and today we bring you an enthusiastic and very eloquent interview with Dr. John Rex, a former infectious diseases doctor that currently works, as he puts it, in developing new drugs, making development of new drugs possible, or making sure people get paid to develop new drugs. Join us in a deep conversation about antibiotics research & development, the antibiotic market and current new ideas not to let this needed sector die. In the news section, we cover a short commentary looking into the societal value of antibiotics, an investigation about how American and Canadian newspapers present AMR in their pages, and a "sciency" article looking into collateral sensitivity (a.k.a. the opposite of cross-resistance). We hope you enjoy this packed episode!
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Relevant links:
- Dr. John Rex's AMR Solutions page. Here you can subscribe to the newsletter!
- Interdisciplinary Course on Antibiotics & Resistance (ICARe) website. Applications for the course on 2020 open from March 16th!
- The Broken Business of Antibiotics. Wall Street Journal article that we mention during the discussion containing a very good podcast talking about this topic.
Further Reading:
- Antibiotic Development Incentives That Reflect Societal Value of Antibiotic. First news item.
- “Superbugs” in the Risk Society: Assessing the Reflexive Function of North American Newspaper Coverage of Antimicrobial Resistance. Second piece covered in the news.
- Molecular mechanisms of collateral sensitivity to the antibiotic nitrofurantoin. Thrid and final piece!
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