Ep 54: Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werff & automated surveillance. A preorganized antibiotic. Engineering a probiotic.
After a short hiatus, we are back with our regular episodes, and with a pop-up guest co-host! Tune in to our first of 2024, where we learn about surveillance and use of health data for its automation with Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werff, research specialist at Karolinska Institutet. In this interview, we learn about Suzanne’s path from parasitology to infection prevention and control and talk about the future of infectious diseases and resistance surveillance through her current research, which looks into using artificial intelligence and algorithms that use patient health records.
In the news, we bring you two research articles, the first presenting the results of a preorganized antibiotic design to overcome resistance due to the way it binds to the ribosome, and the second looking into the mechanisms of species-species interaction between a probiotic and a pathogenic bacteria and how this knowledge led to an engineered probiotic better at preventing pathogen defenses. We hope you enjoy this episode!
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Relevant links:
- Suzanne's page at KI.
- Suzanne's personal LinkedIn profile.
Further Reading:
- An antibiotic preorganized for ribosomal binding overcomes antimicrobial resistance. First paper covered in the news section.
- Could a single synthetic molecule outsmart a variety of drug-resistant bacteria? Popular science coverage of the first paper covered in the news.
- Engineered probiotic overcomes pathogen defences using signal interference and antibiotic production to treat infection in mice. Second paper covered in the news section.
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