Part of Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences; Research
- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3
75124 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 591
75124 Uppsala - Web page:
- https://www.uu.se/institution/farmaceutisk-biovetenskap
- Andersson, Håkan
- Visiting researcher
- hakan.andersson@farmbio.uu.se
- Gadetskaya, Anastassiya
- Visiting researcher
- Gunasekera, Sunithi
- Researcher
- sunithi.gunasekera@uu.se
- Guo, Jing
- Visiting student
- Jacobsson, Erik
- Researcher
- erik.jacobsson@uu.se
- Kasi, Phanindra Babu
- Postdoctoral position
- kasi.phanindra-babu@uu.se
- Laborde, Quentin
- PhD student
- quentin.laborde@uu.se
- Larsson, Mårten
- Senior research engineer
- marten.larsson@farmbio.uu.se
- Muhammad, Taj
- Researcher
- taj.muhammad@uu.se
- Oliw, Ernst H.
- Professor emeritus
- ernst.oliw@uu.se
- Peng, Bai-Wei
- PhD student
- Robertson, Luke
- Researcher
- luke.robertson@uu.se
- Rosengren, Johan
- Visiting researcher
- Ruiz, José
- PhD student
- jose.ruiz@uu.se
- Slazak, Blazej
- Visiting researcher
- Srey, Chansorphea
- PhD student
- chansorphea.srey@uu.se
- Wedén, Christina
- Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
- +46 70 885 58 72 +46 73 469 77 14
- christina.weden@uu.se
- Zhang, Mingshu
- PhD student
- mingshu.zhang@uu.se