László Károly
Professor in Turkic Languages at Department of Linguistics and Philology
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 10 89
- E-mail:
- Laszlo.Karoly@lingfil.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 635
751 26 UPPSALA
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- 0000-0001-7723-1171
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Short presentation
I have been Chair and Professor of Turkic Languages at Uppsala University since 2016. My academic background is in Altaic languages, historical-comparative linguistics and philology. My current research focuses on the phonetics and phonology of Turkic, the Turkic runiform inscriptions of Eurasia, the Middle Turkic languages, Siberian Turkic, word-formation and the history of medicine.
- altaic languages
- chagatai
- database technologies
- historical-comparative linguistics
- history of medicine
- middle turkic
- morphology
- philology
- runiform
- siberian turkic
- turkic
- word-formation
- yakut
2016- Chair and professor, Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology
2011-2016 Associate professor (Juniorprofessor), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Oriental Studies
2009-2011 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral research, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Oriental Studies
2009-2011 Assistant professor, University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies
2008 PhD in Altaic Studies (Linguistics), University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies
2005-2009 Teaching assistant, University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies
2002 MA in Turkic (Altaic) Studies, University of Szeged, Department of Altaic Studies
Understanding the trajectory and distributional typology of phonological change
(Re)constructing a Bible - A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language, A Database of Middle Turkic
Runiform inscriptions - A Database of Turkic Runiform Inscriptions
Selection of publications
- Onomatopoeia in Tatar (2024)
- An Old Uigur medical fragment in Syriac script (2024)
- Modern Turkic Languages (2022)
- Tatar (2016)
- A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia (2015)
- Deverbal Nominals in Yakut (2013)
- Runiform fragments of the late Avar period from Hungary (2013)
- West Old Turkic (2011)
Recent publications
- Some notes on a comparative word list in an Eastern Turki medical treatise from the late 19th century (2024)
- Onomatopoeia in Tatar (2024)
- An Old Uigur medical fragment in Syriac script (2024)
- Binominal strategies and semantic correlations in Turkic languages (2023)
- Václav Blažek, in collaboration with Michal Schwarz and Ondřej Srba (2023)
All publications
- An Old Uigur medical fragment in Syriac script (2024)
- Václav Blažek, in collaboration with Michal Schwarz and Ondřej Srba (2023)
- Benkő, Elek, Sándor, Klára, Vásáry, István: A székely írás emlékei. Corpus Mo-numentorum Alphabeto Siculico Exaratorum (CMASE) [Relics of the Székely script. Corpus Monumentorum Alphabeto Siculico Exaratorum (CMASE)]. Edited by István Vásáry. Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont 2021. 927 pages, illustrated. Hardback 8900 Ft. ISBN 978-963-416-267-4. (2023)
- Röhrborn, Klaus: Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien – Neubearbeitung – II. Nomina – Pronomina – Partikeln. Band 2: aš – äžük. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2017. (2021)
- Derived and compound nouns in Turkic (2020)
- An integrated dialect analysis tool using phonetics and acoustics (2019)
- Károly, L. 2019. Nevskaya, Irina; Erdal, Marcel (eds.): Interpreting the Turkic Runiform Sources and the Position of the Altai Corpus. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2015 (Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvölker 21). 224 pp. (2019)
- Memores acti prudentes futuri (2019)
- István Mándoky Kongur Kunok és magyarok. (Török–Magyar Könyvtár 1.) Budapest: Molnár Kiadó, 2012. 348 pp (2016)
- Prototypical adjectives in Turkic (2016)
- Sándor Klára, A székely írás nyomában. Budapest, Typotex, 2014. (353 lap) (2015)
- Deverbal Nominals in Altaic (2014)
- Yaman, Hakan (Hg.): Die Yūsuf-Legende in der Version von ʿAlī. Nachdem Dresdener Manuskript Eb. 419. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag 2012. 464 S. 8° = Studienzur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Türkvölker Bd. 11 (2014)
- The case of Altaic and West Old Turkic (2013)
- Runiform fragments of the late Avar period from Hungary (2013)
- Panaceas and other miraculous cures in Middle Turkic medical writings (2012)
- History of the intervocalic velars in the Turkic languages (2012)
- Rogers, Leland Liu, The Golden Summary of Činggis Qaγan. Činggis Qaγan-u Altan Tobči, Tunguso-Sibirica 27, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009 (2010)
- Dominancy in Yakut: An historical approach (2009)
- Marcel Erdal, A Grammar of Old Turkic, Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section Eight, Central Asia, Volume 3, Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2004 (2009)
- Ingeborg Hauenschild, Lexicon jakutischer Tierbezeichnungen, Turcologica, Volume 77, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008 (2009)
- Gerhard Doerfer, (unter Mitwirkung von Michael Knüppel), Etymologisch-Ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Mandschurei), Hildes\-heim–Zürich–New York: Georg Olms, 2004 (2009)
- (Bolʹšoj) tolkovyj slovarʹ jakutskogo jazyka [Saxa tïlïn bïhārï̄lāx (ulaxan) tïlǰïta], Vol. I [A], Vol. II [B], Vol. III [G–I], Vol. IV [K–küölähiŋnǟ], Vol. V [küälähis gïn–kǟčärä], edited by P. A. Slepcov, Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (2009)
- Yakut names for animals in Pallas’s Zoographia (2008)
- In memoriam Berta Árpád (1951–2008) (2008)
- A szertő-tetői kő rovásírásos feliratai (2007)
- Wladimir Monastyrjew, JAKUTISCH, Kleines erklärendes Wörterbuch des Jakutischen (Sacha-Deutsch), Turcologica 68, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006 (2007)
- Some remarks on the Yakut suffix +SXt (2006)
- A Seventeenth-Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine (2006)
- Some remarks on the Turkic word qart (2005)
- Egy . századi csagatáj orvosi könyv mint nyelvi forrás (2005)
- Modern Turkic Languages (2022)
- A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia (2015)
- Қазақша-мажарша тілдескіш / Kazah-magyar társalgási könyv (2015)
- Deverbal Nominals in Yakut (2013)
- West Old Turkic (2011)
- Turcology in Turkey (2007)
- Néptörténet - Nyelvtörténet (2001)
- Қазақша-мажарша тілдескіш / Kazah-magyar társalgási könyv (2001)
- Some notes on a comparative word list in an Eastern Turki medical treatise from the late 19th century (2024)
- Onomatopoeia in Tatar (2024)
- Binominal strategies and semantic correlations in Turkic languages (2023)
- Dog for a Cure and Some Dough for a Tooth (2022)
- West Old Turkic (2022)
- Derivational networks in Tatar (2020)
- Minnesord (2020)
- Tatar (2016)
- Türkçe yazılmış İslam tıp eserlerindeki şifalı dualar (2014)
- A Kiskundorozsma Kettőshatár úti II. avar temető 434. sírja (2014)
- Újabb lehetőségek a magyar nyelv török elemeinek kutatásában (2013)
- Jakut állatnevek Pallas Zoographiájában (2009)
- Toboz és doboz (2008)
- On the Old Turkic Verb ï r ̄ - ‘to make a notch, or breach’ and its Derivatives (2001)
- An online database of Turkic runiform inscriptions (2016)
- Toboz és doboz. Két vitatott eredetű szavunk (2008)
- „Domináns” szuffixumvokálisok a jakut nyelvben. Egy történeti szempontú megközelítés (2008)
- A Seventeenth Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine (2005)
- Lexical Analysis of a Seventeenth-Century Chaghatay Treatise on Medicine (2003)