Cecilia Nordquist
PhD student at Department of Sociology; Doctoral students
- E-mail:
- cecilia.nordquist@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Cecilia Nordquist at Department of Sociology; Doctoral students
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Short presentation
Building on ethnographic material, Cecilia researches how prosecutors’ plea offers are formed and legitimatised in plea bargaining interaction in a U.S. criminal court. Accounting for how the prosecutors' emotions are used, her investigation stretches from the preparatory stages of decision-making to the front-line interaction where prosecutors and defence lawyers negotiate to reach an agreement and a guilty plea, in which the defendant relinquishes their constitutional rights to trial.
- decision-making
- emotion
- ethnography
- interaction
- law and emotion
- symbolic interactionism
- temporality
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
BA & MA i Sociologi vid Göteborgs Universitet
Cecilia works within the JUSTEMOTIONS PROJECT investigating how objectivity is constructed in different legal systems by comparing decision-making in criminal cases in four countries.
Cecilia actively participates in one of the departmental research groups, Emotion, Justice and Interaction (EmoJI) http://soc.uu.se/forskning/forskargrupper/emoji/
Conference papers, presentations and Workshops:
Dissertation chapter. Presented at: Show and Tell, workshop. Höör, Sweden.
Emotional Community and Estrangement in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Approach. Presented at: RN11 Network Midterm Conference, European Sociological Association. Hamburg, Germany.
Emotional Dynamics of Plea Bargaining (developed in global setting). Presented at: Law and Society Association, Global Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
Emotional Dynamics of Plea Barganing. Presented at: Sociologidagarna. Uppsala, Sweden.
Expanding Emotional Capital in Court. Presented at: European Sociological Association. Barcelona, Spain [online].
Embodying Two Sides of the Law: Exploring Emotional Capital in Legal and Medical Decision-Making. Presented at: American Sociological Association. Virtual conference.
Methodologically Feeling - The Process of Entering a New Area of Research through the Lens of Emotion Sociology. Presented at: European Sociological Association. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Recent publications
- Emotional Community and Estrangement in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)
- Expanding emotional capital in court (2022)
- Preschool remodelling through systemic (ex)change (2020)
All publications
- Expanding emotional capital in court (2022)
- Preschool remodelling through systemic (ex)change (2020)