Meghan Quinlan
Affiliated Researcher at Department of Musicology
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3H
- Postal address:
- Box 633
751 26 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
I come from a multi-disciplinary background, holding degrees in the liberal arts and natural sciences (B.Arts.Sc., McMaster), medieval studies (M.St., Oxon), and musicology (DPhil, Oxon). This exposure to a wide range of scholarly perspectives informs much of my work, which includes close readings of medieval songs as well as broader explorations of music's role in medieval culture.
I am also trained as a choral conductor and singer, and periodically share my performances of the songs I am researching on my videocast, Chanter m'estuet.
Selection of publications
- When Courtly Song invades History (2021)
- Eye, Mouth, and Ear (2021)
- Repetition as Rebirth (2020)
- Can Melodies be Signs? Contrafacture and Representation in Two Trouvère Songs (2020)
Recent publications
- Popular Music (2022)
- When Courtly Song invades History (2021)
- Eye, Mouth, and Ear (2021)
- Förstelning eller förnyelse? Beethoven 250 år (2020)
- Repetition as Rebirth (2020)
All publications
- Förstelning eller förnyelse? Beethoven 250 år (2020)
- Repetition as Rebirth (2020)
- Can Melodies be Signs? Contrafacture and Representation in Two Trouvère Songs (2020)
- Kör, gemenskap och jagets gräns (2020)
- En benediktin lyhörd för världen (2019)