Johan Wickström

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Education

+46 18 471 16 19
Mobile phone:
+46 70 167 92 68
Visiting address:
Von Kraemers allé 1 A
752 37 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 2136
750 02 Uppsala

Short presentation

Doctor of Theology (ThD) in History of Religions, Distinguished University Teacher and Senior Lecturer in Curriculum Studies.

Certified teacher.

I teach in teacher training at all levels, and in PIVA . Previously I was Deputy Director and Educational Developer the Academic Development Unit (UP) and Senior Lecturer in Religious Education.

Research: The State-Controlled Education and the Construction of Class-Identities in School Texts from 1860 to 1930

Member of SHED and ÄDISH.


  • högskolepedagogik
  • lärande
  • lärarutbildning
  • läromedelsanalys
  • pedagogik
  • religionsdidaktik
  • religionshistoria
  • undervisning
  • utbildningshistoria
  • ämnesdidaktik


Academic employments

2022 - Senior Lecturer in Curriculum Studies, Dep of Education

2018 - 2022 Educational Developer, Dep of Education

2015-2018 Deputy Director, Unit for Academic Teaching and Learning

2007-2018 Educational Developer, Unit for Academic Teaching and Learning

2009-2015 Senior Lecturer, Didactics of Religion (part-time), Dep of Theology

2002-2007 Doctoral Candidate in History of Religions, Dep of Theology

2000-2002 Teacher in the Compulsory School, Uppsala kommun

Degrees and titles

2023 Distinguished University Teacher (Excellent Teacher)

2008 ThD in History of Religions

2005 ThL in History of Religions

2001 MA in Religious Studies, History, Agrarian History and Pedagogy

2001 BEd for the Compulsory School (History and RE)


My research interests are, for obvious reasons, related to History of Religions, Didactics of Religion and Higher Education Research. In particular I've been conducting ideological critical and conceptual studies. From 2022 I'm involved in project funded by the Swedish Research Council: The State-Controlled Education and the Construction of Class-Identities in School Texts from 1860 to 1930

In my doctoral thesis Våra förfäder var hedningar (2008) I analyzed the ideological use of Nordic antiquity and Old Norse Religion in public school texts. I developed an analytical concept of myth based on theoretical perspectives from the Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci and the American Historian of Religions, Bruce Lincoln, and applied it to text book narratives. Since then I've written on uses of texts in education and on inclusive pedagogy in Highed Education (especially the report Mångfaldsmedveten pedagogik för universitetslärare, 2011). I'm also interested in ideological and critical perspectives on the concept of "religion" and in dominating, hegemonical models and concepts in Higher Education, such as "Constructive Alignment". Earlier (2015 - 2019) was involved in international research project (funded by the Norwegian Research Council) on the roles and academic values connected to the profession as Academic Developer: Formation and Competence Building of University Academic Developers.


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Johan Wickström

