Anne-Sofie Nyström
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Education
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- +46 18 471 76 26
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Short presentation
Anne-Sofie Nyström, M.A. in Social Psychology (2003), Ph.D. in Sociology (2012), is a researcher and senior lecturer at Uppsala University. Her research interests are educational inequality and feminist theory, with focus on (young) men, masculinities and identity processes in peer-groups.
Anne-Sofie Nyström is currently working as a researcher in two projects, funded by the Swedish Research Council:
- The unlikely scientists: Exploring what has enabled students from under-represented groups to continue to higher education science (2019-2021, Dnr: 2018-4985). PI: Prof. Anna Danielsson (Dept. of Education/Uppsala University)
- ”Staging the successful student in higher education: A comparative study of men, masculinities, and self-worth protecting strategies in competitive contexts” (Dnr: 2014-2476). PI: Anne-Sofie Nyström. Fellow researchers are Minna Salminen Karlsson (Center for Gender Research/Uppsala University), and Carolyn Jackson (Dept. of Educational Research/Lancaster University, UK).
Nyström’s Ph.D. thesis Att synas och lära utan att synas lära [En title: To be seen and to learn, without being seen to learn] on identity-negotiation among privileged young men, schooling and underachievement, was well-received in Swedish news-media and policy debates, when it was published in 2012. June 2013 she was awarded Society for Research into Higher Education:s prize for Newer Researchers.
Nyström has published texts on masculinities, schooling and peer-group interaction, effortless achievement, educational stratification, and on ethical dilemmas in fieldwork.
She has continuously been participating in Swedish educational policy discussions and involved with equality work at Uppsala University since she was an undergraduate student. Among other thing she was invited keynote at Include 2012-conference, a national network for widening access to higher education. Since 2005 she has been engaged as a lecturer – within the academia and for practitioners – with focus on social psychology, sociology, masculinities, schooling and questions of educational stratification and equality. Prior to her academic career she worked as a preschool pedagogue, at the Swedish National Agency for Education and Uppsala Student Union.
Selection of publications
- Resonating with physics (2024)
- Young Peoples’ Online Science Practices as a Gateway to Higher Education STEM (2023)
- The identity turn in science education research: a critical review of methodologies in a consolidating field (2023)
- Using story-based methodologies to explore physics identities (2023)
- Performing legitimate choice narratives in physics (2023)
- Other spaces for young women's identity work in physics (2022)
- Social justice in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education: Establishing a platform for conversation (2019)
- Bridging questions of 'who' and 'what' in science education research (2019)
- What counts as success? (2019)
- Formations of success (2016)
- "Smart students get perfect scores in tests without studying much" (2015)
- Negotiating achievement (2014)
- Mellan empati och kritisk granskning? (2012)
- Att synas och lära utan att synas lära (2012)
- Läxläsning, provplugg och social status (2008)
Recent publications
- Resonating with physics (2024)
- Young Peoples’ Online Science Practices as a Gateway to Higher Education STEM (2023)
- The identity turn in science education research: a critical review of methodologies in a consolidating field (2023)
- Using story-based methodologies to explore physics identities (2023)
- Performing legitimate choice narratives in physics (2023)
All publications
- Resonating with physics (2024)
- Young Peoples’ Online Science Practices as a Gateway to Higher Education STEM (2023)
- The identity turn in science education research: a critical review of methodologies in a consolidating field (2023)
- Using story-based methodologies to explore physics identities (2023)
- Performing legitimate choice narratives in physics (2023)
- Other spaces for young women's identity work in physics (2022)
- What counts as success? (2019)
- "Smart students get perfect scores in tests without studying much" (2015)
- Stavas killars problem i skolan ”anti-pluggkultur”? (2010)
- Kunskapens villkor (2006)
- Frihet, jämlikhet och broderskap (2001)
- Män, feminism och förändring (2001)
- Coping with Higher Education Expectations (2019)
- Negotiating achievement (2014)
- Mellan empati och kritisk granskning? (2012)
- Läxläsning, provplugg och social status (2008)
- Har kunskap något genus? (2007)
- Possibilized by Physics (2023)
- Young peoples’ online science practices as a gateway to higher education STEM (2022)
- Other spaces for young people's identity work in physics (2022)
- Following or defying expectations (2022)
- Choice narratives of “unexpected” physics students (2022)
- Possibilities in physics (2022)
- Science identities (2021)
- Higher education physics students ‘storying’ their identity trajectories (2021)
- The exceptional physics girls (2021)
- Social justice in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education: Establishing a platform for conversation (2019)
- Bridging questions of 'who' and 'what' in science education research (2019)
- Diving into the big pond (2018)
- There’s no balance there’s only chaos’ (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- Formations of success (2016)
- Reflections of and about success and failure (2016)
- Facing Potential Failure (2014)
- Negotiating achievement (2014)
- Varning för antipluggkultur (2014)
- Att framträda som framgångsrik student (2014)
- 'Sucking-up’ (2013)
- Unga män och utbildning (2012)
- Skilda förståelser av könsmönster i utbildningsresultat (2012)
- Negotiating achievement (2012)