Minna Salminen Karlsson
Affiliated Researcher at Centre for Gender Research
- E-mail:
- minna.salminen@gender.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Villavägen 6A
752 36 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
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Short presentation
PhD in Education, Associate professor in Sociology. I do research on gender - technology - organization - education. That means researching technical education, in particular at the university level, and gender in organizations: academic institutions, technology companies and public sector employers.
For the present I am engaged in three research projects: 1) Staging the Successful Student - male students' coping strategies in prestigious higher education programmes, 2) The effects of digitalization on the work environment of nurses, and 3) Evaluating work of comparable worth. The use of job evaluation systems as promotors of gender equal salaries in the
Swedish municipal sector. I am also engaged in the Nordic Centre of Excellence, Nordwit, Women's Careers in Technology-Driven Research and Innovation In and Outside of Academe
Selection of publications
- Expatriate paternalistic leadership and gender relations in small European software firms in India (2015)
- Enabling Virtual Communities of Practice (2014)
- Choosing between academy and industry (2013)
- The Problem in the Eye of the Beholder (2011)
- Computer Courses in Adult Education in a Gender perspective (2010)
- Tell me if your teach or travel and I'll tell you how you talk about your family. (2010)
- Pojkars skolprestationer i könssegregerade klasser (2010)
Recent publications
- Not just daycare (2024)
- Men are Always Better? (2024)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- Effortlessness and Security (2022)
All publications
- Not just daycare (2024)
- Men are Always Better? (2024)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- Effortlessness and Security (2022)
- Negative emotions induced by work-related information technology use in hospital nursing (2022)
- Decoupling gender equality from gender pay audits in Swedish municipalities (2022)
- Information systems in nurses' work (2022)
- A Sociocultural Perspective on Computer Science Capital and its Pedagogical Implications in Computer Science Education (2022)
- Jämställdhetsspecialist och genusforskare - en kameleont (2021)
- Women in the Steel Industry (2020)
- What counts as success? (2019)
- “Shut up and calculate” (2018)
- Excellence, Masculinity and Work-Life Balance in Academia (2018)
- Expatriate paternalistic leadership and gender relations in small European software firms in India (2015)
- Enabling Virtual Communities of Practice (2014)
- The Problem in the Eye of the Beholder (2011)
- Pojkars skolprestationer i könssegregerade klasser (2010)
- Women who learn computing like men (2009)
- The interaction of academic and industrial supervisors in graduate education (2008)
- Girls' groups and boys' groups at a municipal technology centre (2007)
- You Never Travel Alone (2021)
- Gender equality projects at European level (2020)
- Arbetsvärdering och lönekartläggning - (2020)
- Den digitala arbetsmiljön inomhälso- och sjukvården (2020)
- A Perfect Match? (2016)
- Secondary school students' reactions to descriptions of engineering and nursing in university catalogues (2013)
- Choosing between academy and industry (2013)
- What do we think we know about masculinities in Sweden, UK and India? (2011)
- Computer Courses in Adult Education in a Gender perspective (2010)
- Tell me if your teach or travel and I'll tell you how you talk about your family. (2010)
- Att välja utbildning utan innehåll (2009)
- Men are always better? (2021)
- Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability (2020)
- Women are a bit different but the aim is the same (2020)
- An industry in transition (2019)
- Taking gender out of salary mappings for gender equal pay (2019)
- Lönekartläggningar för jämställda löner (2019)
- Why not use the phone (2019)
- Becoming the right kind of professional (2018)
- Information systems in nurses' work environment (2018)
- Coping with Higher Educational Expectations (2017)
- There’s no balance there’s only chaos’ (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- With a Little Help from my Friends (2017)
- Teacher-student relationships in the managerial university (2017)
- Shut Up and Calculate: Becoming a Quantum Physicist (2016)
- Reflections of and about success and failure (2016)
- Formations of success (2016)
- Reflections of and about success and failure (2016)
- Ignoring, minding or closing the gender pay gap? (2016)
- Negotiating a Practice of Learning (2015)
- Recognizing the significance of electromagnetism as identity work of engineering students (2015)
- Gender pay gap in the Indian IT sector (2015)
- The invisible power of BESTA coding (2015)
- Normer och identiteter inom högre utbildning (2014)
- Att framträda som framgångsrik student (2014)
- All Inclusive Visions? (2014)
- Work and family in the lives of Indian software professionals (2014)
- Vilken roll spelar studenters sociala relationer och identiteter i universitetsutbildning? (2013)
- Swedish and Indian Teams (2013)
- Enabling virtual communities of practice (2013)
- Swedish and Indian Teams (2013)
- The evaluation and non-evaluation of recruitment initiatives (2012)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching. (2011)
- Have we become part of the problem? (2011)
- What is the problem in the beholder's eye? (2010)
- Educating the user (2007)
- Computer courses in adult education in a gender perspective (2007)