Minna Salminen Karlsson
Affilierad Forskare vid Centrum för genusvetenskap
- E-post:
- minna.salminen@gender.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 6A
752 36 UPPSALA - Postadress:
- Box 527
751 20 Uppsala
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Minna Salminen Karlsson vid Centrum för genusvetenskap
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent
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Kort presentation
Doktor i pedagogik, docent i sociologi .Mitt forskningsfält omfattar genus - teknik - utbildning - organisation. Jag har forskat kring teknisk utbildning, särskilt på högskolenivå och genus i organisationer, framför allt i akademin och dataföretag.
För närvarande är jag engagerad i tre forskningsprojekt: 1) Att framträda som en framgångsrik student - om manliga studenters copingstrategier på prestigeutbildningar 2) Digitalisering och dess effekter på sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö 3) Vad är likvärdigt arbete? Arbetsvärdering som verktyg för att åstadkomma jämställda löner i kommunala sektorn i Sverige, samt i Nordic Centre of Excellence: Nordwit, Women's Careers in Technology-Driven Research and Innovation In and Outside of Academe.
Urval av publikationer
- Expatriate paternalistic leadership and gender relations in small European software firms in India (2015)
- Enabling Virtual Communities of Practice (2014)
- Choosing between academy and industry (2013)
- The Problem in the Eye of the Beholder (2011)
- Computer Courses in Adult Education in a Gender perspective (2010)
- Tell me if your teach or travel and I'll tell you how you talk about your family. (2010)
- Pojkars skolprestationer i könssegregerade klasser (2010)
Senaste publikationer
- Not just daycare (2024)
- Men are Always Better? (2024)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- Effortlessness and Security (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Not just daycare (2024)
- Men are Always Better? (2024)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- Effortlessness and Security (2022)
- Negative emotions induced by work-related information technology use in hospital nursing (2022)
- Decoupling gender equality from gender pay audits in Swedish municipalities (2022)
- Information systems in nurses' work (2022)
- A Sociocultural Perspective on Computer Science Capital and its Pedagogical Implications in Computer Science Education (2022)
- Jämställdhetsspecialist och genusforskare - en kameleont (2021)
- Women in the Steel Industry (2020)
- What counts as success? (2019)
- “Shut up and calculate” (2018)
- Excellence, Masculinity and Work-Life Balance in Academia (2018)
- Expatriate paternalistic leadership and gender relations in small European software firms in India (2015)
- Enabling Virtual Communities of Practice (2014)
- The Problem in the Eye of the Beholder (2011)
- Pojkars skolprestationer i könssegregerade klasser (2010)
- Women who learn computing like men (2009)
- The interaction of academic and industrial supervisors in graduate education (2008)
- Girls' groups and boys' groups at a municipal technology centre (2007)
- You Never Travel Alone (2021)
- Gender equality projects at European level (2020)
- Arbetsvärdering och lönekartläggning - (2020)
- Den digitala arbetsmiljön inomhälso- och sjukvården (2020)
- A Perfect Match? (2016)
- Secondary school students' reactions to descriptions of engineering and nursing in university catalogues (2013)
- Choosing between academy and industry (2013)
- What do we think we know about masculinities in Sweden, UK and India? (2011)
- Computer Courses in Adult Education in a Gender perspective (2010)
- Tell me if your teach or travel and I'll tell you how you talk about your family. (2010)
- Att välja utbildning utan innehåll (2009)
- Men are always better? (2021)
- Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability (2020)
- Women are a bit different but the aim is the same (2020)
- An industry in transition (2019)
- Taking gender out of salary mappings for gender equal pay (2019)
- Lönekartläggningar för jämställda löner (2019)
- Why not use the phone (2019)
- Becoming the right kind of professional (2018)
- Information systems in nurses' work environment (2018)
- Coping with Higher Educational Expectations (2017)
- There’s no balance there’s only chaos’ (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- Coping with higher educational expectations (2017)
- With a Little Help from my Friends (2017)
- Teacher-student relationships in the managerial university (2017)
- Shut Up and Calculate: Becoming a Quantum Physicist (2016)
- Reflections of and about success and failure (2016)
- Formations of success (2016)
- Reflections of and about success and failure (2016)
- Ignoring, minding or closing the gender pay gap? (2016)
- Negotiating a Practice of Learning (2015)
- Recognizing the significance of electromagnetism as identity work of engineering students (2015)
- Gender pay gap in the Indian IT sector (2015)
- The invisible power of BESTA coding (2015)
- Normer och identiteter inom högre utbildning (2014)
- Att framträda som framgångsrik student (2014)
- All Inclusive Visions? (2014)
- Work and family in the lives of Indian software professionals (2014)
- Vilken roll spelar studenters sociala relationer och identiteter i universitetsutbildning? (2013)
- Swedish and Indian Teams (2013)
- Enabling virtual communities of practice (2013)
- Swedish and Indian Teams (2013)
- The evaluation and non-evaluation of recruitment initiatives (2012)
- Gender awareness in constructing knowledge of science and science teaching. (2011)
- Have we become part of the problem? (2011)
- What is the problem in the beholder's eye? (2010)
- Educating the user (2007)
- Computer courses in adult education in a gender perspective (2007)