Valentin Troll
Professor in Petrology at Department of Earth Sciences; Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
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- +46 18 471 25 70
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75236 Uppsala
- Academic merits:
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- geochemistry
- igneous petrology
- magmatic ore deposits
- natural resources
- volcanic hazards
- volcanology
Professor Valentin R. Troll is known for his extensive research in igneous petrology, geochemistry, and volcanic systems. He is particularly focused on studying the processes and evolution of magmatic systems, volcanic eruptions, and the links between volcanism and ore deposits. His work spans multiple volcanic regions around the world, including Iceland, the Canary Islands, and Indonesia, and he has made significant contributions to understanding the petrological and geochemical signatures of magmatic activity.
Valentin R. Troll graduated from St Andrews University, Scotland in 1998 and received his PhD from the GEOMAR Research Centre - University of Kiel, Germany, in 2001. Troll then lectured in volcanology and petrology at Trinity College Dublin (2001-2008), during which time he habilitated at the Blaise Pascal University Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2006. In early 2008, he took up the Chair of Petrology at Uppsala University, Sweden, which he currently holds. He is a Research Associate at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ULPGC, (Spain), at Istituto Nazionale de Geofisica i Vulcanologia, INGV, (Italy) and at Universitas Padjadjarang, UNPAD, in Bandung (Indonesia). Troll is a Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (FMinSoc), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS). Most recently, he was elected a Member of the Royal Canarian Academy of Sciences (RACC) for his contributions to the understanding of the geology of the Canary Islands.
Further details are available at **.
ROTTnROCk Project:
Selection of publications
- Magma transport in sheet intrusions of the Alnö carbonatite complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Persistent multitiered magma plumbing beneath Katla volcano, Iceland (2016)
- Erupted frothy xenoliths may explain lack of country-rock fragments in plutons (2016)
- The Geology of the Canary Islands (2016)
- Plagioclase mineral chemistry in the Faroe Islands Basalt Group (2016)
- Pyroxene standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volcano, Sunda arc, Indonesia (2016)
- The stiff upper LIP (2016)
- Boron isotope fractionation in magma via crustal carbonate dissolution (2016)
- Locating the depth of magma supply for volcanic eruptions, insights from Mt. Cameroon (2016)
- Magma plumbing for the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (2016)
- The magma plumbing system for the 1971 Teneguía eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands (2015)
- Rapid high-silica magma generation in basalt-dominated rift settings (2015)
- CO2 bubble generation and migration during magma–carbonate interaction (2015)
- Analogue modelling of volcano flank terrace formation on Mars (2015)
- The 2011-2012 submarine eruption off El Hierro, Canary Islands (2015)
- Volcanic and structural evolution of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde (2015)
- Magma storage and plumbing of adakite-type post-ophiolite intrusions in the Sabzevar ophiolitic zone, northeast Iran (2015)
- Skarn xenolith record crustal CO2 liberation during Pompeii and Pollena eruptions, Vesuvius volcanic system, central Italy (2015)
- Geological constraints on the dynamic emplacement of cone-sheets - The Ardnamurchan cone-sheet swarm, NW Scotland (2015)
- O and C isotope study of Bastnäs-type rare earth element mineralisation, Bergslagen, Sweden (2015)
- 3D modelling of the Tejeda Caldera cone-sheet swarm, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (2015)
- Nannofossils: the smoking gun for the Canarian hotspot (2015)
- Ancient oral tradition describes volcano-earthquake interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. (2015)
- Magmatic water contents determined through clinopyroxene (2015)
- Nannofossils in 2011 El Hierro eruptive products reinstate plume model for Canary Islands (2015)
- The role of eclogite in the mantle heterogeneity at Cape Verde (2014)
- Iceland's best kept secret (2014)
- Making Earth’s earliest continental crust (2014)
- Persistent shallow magma storage beneath Katla volcano (2014)
- Toba super-eruption fuelled by catastrophic roof disintegration (2014)
- 3D-model of the Rum central complex (2014)
- The role of CO2-rich basement at Merapi; perspectives from petrology, geochemistry, and experiments (2014)
- Discerning magmatic flow patterns in shallow-level basaltic dykes from the North-East Rift Zone of Tenerife, Spain using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique (2014)
- The Rum Igneous Centre, Scotland (2014)
- Weibull-distributed dyke thickness reflects probabilistic character of host-rock strength (2014)
- The sub-volcanic structure of the Alnö carbonatite complex, Sweden (2014)
- Bimodal magmatism produced by progressively inhibited crustal assimilation (2014)
- Chemcial fingerprinting of crystal populations from Sekincau, Marapi and Sinabung volcanoes, Sumatra (2014)
- The sub-Plinian eruption of Kelut volcano, 13th February 2014 (2014)
- Canary Island volcanism: fracture induced or mantle plume related? (2014)
- Origin and significance of the 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Significance of 2011/201 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Petrogenesis of Sumatra’s andesite volcanoes (2014)
- Reconstructing the plumbing system of Krakatau volcano (2014)
- Ancient oral tradition describes volcano-earthquake interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia (2014)
- Magma storage at Krakatau volcanic complex (2014)
- Carbonatite ring-complexes explained by caldera-style volcanism (2013)
- Voluminous outburst of silicic low d18O magma in NE-Iceland inferred from zircon d18O and U-Pb geochronology (2013)
- 3 or 1? 3D cone-sheet architecture provides insight into the centre(s) of Ardnamurchan (2013)
- Ardnamurchan 3D cone-sheet architecture explained by a single elongate magma chamber (2013)
- A sagging-spreading continuum of large volcano structure (2013)
- Geological Hazards in the Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- From Myth to Science (2013)
- Structural and Geological Elements of Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Teide Volcano (2013)
- Petrology and geochemistry of igneous inclusions in recent Merapi deposits (2013)
- Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems (2013)
- Crustal differentiation processes at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2013)
- Resolving volatile sources along the western Sunda arc, Indonesia (2013)
- Origins of oblique-slip faulting during caldera subsidence (2013)
- Structural evolution of the apatite-iron oxide deposit at Grängesberg, Bergslagen, Sweden (2013)
- The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East Java, Indonesia (2013)
- Experimental simulation of magma-carbonate interaction beneath Mt. Vesuvius, Italy (2013)
- Magmatic origin of giant 'Kiruna-type' apatite-iron-oxide ores in Central Sweden (2013)
- Textural relations and mineral chemistry of REE in the Grängesberg apatite-iron oxide deposit, Sweden (2013)
- The structure and morphology of the Basse Terre Island, Lesser Antilles volcanic arc (2013)
- The Grängesberg apatite-iron oxide deposit (2013)
- Eruptive Styles at the Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano (2013)
- Pre-Teide Volcanic Activity on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone (2013)
- Crustal volatile release at Merapi volcano; the 2006 earthquake and eruption events (2013)
- Textural history of recent basaltic-andesites and plutonic inclusions from Merapi volcano (2013)
- Iron and oxygen isotope characteristics of apatite-iron-oxide ores from central Sweden (2013)
- Magma Mixing in the 1100 AD Montaña Reventada Composite Lava Flow (2013)
- Magmatic Differentiation in the Teide–Pico Viejo Succession (2013)
- Open-system processes in the differentiation of mafic magma in the Teide-Pico Viejo succession, Tenerife (2013)
- Timing, Distribution and Petrological Evolution of the Teide-Pico Viejo Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Magmatic evolution of the Cadamosto Seamount, Cape Verde (2012)
- Experimental simulation of crustal volatile release in magmatic conduits (2012)
- Petrogenesis of Voluminous Silicic Magma in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Silicic Magma Genesis in Neogene Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Eroded Neogene Silicic Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland Revisited (2012)
- Viscosity controlled magma-carbonate interaction (2012)
- Magmatic vs crustal volatiles (2012)
- Traversing nature's danger zone: getting up close with Sumatra's volcanoes (2012)
- The Ongoing Volcanic Eruption of El Hierro, Canary Islands (2012)
- The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands) (2012)
- Magma plumbing beneath Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2012)
- Crustal versus source processes recorded in dykes from the Northeast volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands (2012)
- Dykes and structures of the NE rift of Tenerife, Canary Islands (2012)
- Lateral versus vertical emplacement in shallow-level intrusions? (2012)
- Tracing crustal contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia (2012)
- Tracing crustal contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia (2012)
- Experimental simulation of magma-carbonate interaction beneath Mt. Vesuvius, Italy (2012)
- Grön teknik slukar sällsynta metaller (2012)
- Low pressure experiments in piston cylinder apparatus (2012)
- La erupción submarina de La Restinga en la islade El Hierro, Canarias (2012)
- The submarine erupton of La Restinga (El Hierro, Canary Islands): (2012)
- Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption (2012)
- Crustal CO2 liberation during the 2006 eruption and earthquake events at Merapi volcano, Indonesia (2012)
- Bimodality of lavas in the teide-pico viejo succession in tenerife-the role of crustal melting in the origin of recent phonolites (2012)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjöll Volcanoes, Eastern Iceland (2011)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjoll volcanoes, eastern Iceland (2011)
- A Sagging-Spreading Continuum for the Structure of Large Volcanoes on Terrestrial Planets (2011)
- A Volcanotectonic Survey of Ascraeus Mons, Mars (2011)
- Comment on "The distribution of basaltic volcanism on Tenerife, Canary Islands (2011)
- Evolution of ocean-island rifts (2011)
- Fast and furious; crustal CO2 loss at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. (2011)
- Recent research developments on the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland (2011)
- Geochronology of the Tardree Rhyolite Complex, Northern Ireland (2011)
- Merapi (Java, Indonesia): anatomy of a killer volcano (2011)
- Evidence for high fluid/melt content beneath Krakatau volcano (Indonesia) from local earthquake tomography (2011)
- The interaction between volcanoes and strike-slip, transtensional and transpressional fault zones (2011)
- Magma mixing in the 1100 AD Montaña Reventada composite lava flow, Tenerife, Canary Islands (2011)
- Investigating magma plumbing beneath Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2010)
- Boron isotopes in feldspar (2010)
- Magma-carbonate interaction processes and associated CO2 release at Merapi volcano, Indonesia: insights from experimental petrology (2010)
- Magma–Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology (2010)
- Magma–Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology (2010)
- Vertical axis rotation of the upper portions of the north-east rift of Tenerife Island inferred from paleomagnetic data (2010)
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Miocene, Post-Caldera, Tejeda Intrusive Complex, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) (2010)
- Caldera Controversy at the Ring of Gullion, County Down (2010)
- The geometry of volcano flank terraces on Mars (2009)
- The NE Rift of Tenerife: towards a model on the origin and evolution of ocean island rifts (2009)
- The Southern Mountains Zone, Isle of Rum, Scotland: volcanic and sedimentary processes upon an uplifted and subsided magma chamber roof (2009)
- Introduction: from the British Tertiary into the future – modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces (2009)
- Volcanic and geochemical evolution of the Teno massif, Tenerife, Canary Islands (2009)
- The effects of flank collapses on volcano plumbing systems (2009)
- Magma Ascent along a Major Terrane Boundary (2009)
- Trace element and isotope constraints on crustal anatexis byupwelling mantle melts in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: anexample from the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland (2009)
- Early mafic magmatism and crustal anatexis on the Isle of Rum (2009)
- U-Pb TIMS zircon age constraints on the Tardree Rhyolite zircon fission track standard (2008)
- Organic coatings on blocks in block and ash flow deposits form Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. (2008)
- The Palaeocene Igneous Rocks of the Isle of Rum, Scotland (2008)
- Golden Rum – understanding the ‘Forbidden Isle’ (2008)
- Upper mantle magma storage and transport under a Canarian shield-volcano, Teno, Tenerife (Spain) (2008)
- Dykes, cups, saucers and sills (2008)
- Dating the onset of volcanism at the Rum Igneous Centre, NW Scotland (2008)
- Reply to Comment on “Recent unrest at Canary Islands' Teide Volcano?” (2007)
- Sink or swim
- New augite and enstatite pyroxene standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volcano, Sunda arc, Indonesia
- A tale of two magmas
Recent publications
- Basaltic sills emplaced in organic-rich sedimentary rocks (2024)
- Deep crustal assimilation during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Fires, Iceland (2024)
- Magmatic Storage and Volatile Fluxes of the 2021 La Palma Eruption (2024)
- Anatomy of a fumarole field (2024)
- The Fagradalsfjall and Sundhnúkur Fires of 2021–2024: A single magma reservoir under the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland? (2024)
All publications
- Basaltic sills emplaced in organic-rich sedimentary rocks (2024)
- Deep crustal assimilation during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Fires, Iceland (2024)
- Magmatic Storage and Volatile Fluxes of the 2021 La Palma Eruption (2024)
- Anatomy of a fumarole field (2024)
- The Fagradalsfjall and Sundhnúkur Fires of 2021–2024: A single magma reservoir under the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland? (2024)
- Disequilibrium in historic volcanic rocks from Fogo, Cape Verde traces carbonatite metasomatism of recycled ocean crust (2023)
- Deep magma storage during the 2021 La Palma eruption (2023)
- Reported ultra-low lava viscosities from the 2021 La Palma eruption are potentially biased (2023)
- Silicic frothy xenoliths (xeno-pumice) in recent volcanics from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (2023)
- Porosity, strength, and alteration - Towards a new volcano stability assessment tool using VNIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy (2023)
- The 2023 Litli-Hrútur eruption of the Fagradalsfjall Fires, SW-Iceland (2023)
- Water in clinopyroxene from the 2021 Geldingadalir eruption of the Fagradalsfjall Fires, SW-Iceland (2023)
- Diverse mantle components with invariant oxygen isotopes in the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland (2022)
- Hidden mechanical weaknesses within lava domes provided by buried high-porosity hydrothermal alteration zones (2022)
- Mantle source characteristics and magmatic processes during the 2021 La Palma eruption (2022)
- Magma-Shale Interaction in Large Igneous Provinces (2022)
- Large-scale lava dome fracturing as a result of concealed weakened zones (2022)
- The tensile strength of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks (2022)
- Whole-rock oxygen isotope ratios as a proxy for the strength and stiffness of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks (2022)
- Trace element composition in olivine from the 2022 Meradalir eruption of the Fagradalsfjall Fires, SW-Iceland (2022)
- Iron isotopes constrain sub-seafloor hydrothermal processes at the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) active sulfide mound (2022)
- Absence of hydrothermal oxygen isotope variations in host rocks supports magmatic origin of the giant Grängesberg iron oxide–apatite (IOA) deposit, Central Sweden (2022)
- Geochemical Systematics of High Arctic Large Igneous Province Continental Tholeiites from Canada-Evidence for Progressive Crustal Contamination in the Plumbing System (2021)
- High Arctic Large Igneous Province Alkaline Rocks in Canada (2021)
- Sunda arc mantle source delta O-18 value revealed by intracrystal isotope analysis (2021)
- The tensile strength of volcanic rocks (2021)
- Employing geochemistry and geochronology to unravel genesis and tectonic setting of iron oxide-apatite deposits of the Bafq-Saghand metallogenic belt, Central Iran (2021)
- A message from the 'underground forge of the gods': history and current eruptions at Mt Etna (2021)
- Ancient oral tradition in Central Java warns of volcano-earthquake interaction (2021)
- Petrogenesis of the Loch Bà ring-dyke and Centre 3 granites, Isle of Mull, Scotland (2021)
- Constraining the sub-arc, parental magma composition for the giant Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, northern Chile (2020)
- The thermal properties of porous andesite (2020)
- Fault-Controlled Magma Ascent Recorded in the Central Series of the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland (2020)
- Magmatic and Metasomatic Effects of Magma-Carbonate Interaction Recorded in Calc-silicate Xenoliths from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia) (2020)
- Forensic Probe of Bali’s Great Volcano (2019)
- The great escape (2019)
- Hydrothermal alteration of andesitic lava domes can lead to explosive volcanic behaviour (2019)
- Interaction between high-temperature magmatic fluids and limestone explains 'Bastnäs-type' REE deposits in central Sweden (2019)
- In situ LA-ICP-MS trace element analyses of magnetite (2019)
- A large explosive silicic eruption in the British Palaeogene Igneous Province (2019)
- Sacred ground; the Maipés necropolis of north-west Gran Canaria (2019)
- Global Fe-O isotope correlation reveals magmatic origin of Kiruna-type apatite-iron-oxide ores (2019)
- Complex hazard cascade culminating in the Anak Krakatau sector collapse (2019)
- Crustal CO2 contribution to subduction zone degassing recorded through calc-silicate xenoliths in arc lavas (2019)
- Exceptionally high whole-rock delta O-18 values in intra-caldera rhyolites from Northeast Iceland (2018)
- The "Clay-with-Flints' deposit in Northern Ireland (2018)
- Structural weakening of the Merapi dome identified by drone photogrammetry after the 2010 eruption (2018)
- An Integrative Research Framework to Unravel the Interplay of Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities (2018)
- Multi-level magma plumbing at Agung and Batur volcanoes increases risk of hazardous eruptions (2018)
- Magma reservoir dynamics at Toba caldera, Indonesia, recorded by oxygen isotope zoning in quartz (2017)
- Amphibole megacrysts as a probe into the deep plumbing system of Merapi volcano, Central Java, Indonesia (2017)
- Volcanic particles in agriculture and gardening (2017)
- Hf isotope evidence for variable slab input and crustal addition in basalts and andesites of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand (2017)
- Magma transport in sheet intrusions of the Alnö carbonatite complex, central Sweden (2016)
- Heterogeneous vesiculation of 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice revealed by X-ray computed microtomography (2016)
- Persistent multitiered magma plumbing beneath Katla volcano, Iceland (2016)
- Erupted frothy xenoliths may explain lack of country-rock fragments in plutons (2016)
- Volatile dilution during magma injections and implications for volcano explosivity (2016)
- Plagioclase mineral chemistry in the Faroe Islands Basalt Group (2016)
- Pyroxene standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volcano, Sunda arc, Indonesia (2016)
- The stiff upper LIP (2016)
- Boron isotope fractionation in magma via crustal carbonate dissolution (2016)
- Locating the depth of magma supply for volcanic eruptions, insights from Mt. Cameroon (2016)
- Magma plumbing for the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (2016)
- The magma plumbing system for the 1971 Teneguía eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands (2015)
- CO2 bubble generation and migration during magma–carbonate interaction (2015)
- The 2011-2012 submarine eruption off El Hierro, Canary Islands (2015)
- Volcanic and structural evolution of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde (2015)
- Magma storage and plumbing of adakite-type post-ophiolite intrusions in the Sabzevar ophiolitic zone, northeast Iran (2015)
- Skarn xenolith record crustal CO2 liberation during Pompeii and Pollena eruptions, Vesuvius volcanic system, central Italy (2015)
- Geological constraints on the dynamic emplacement of cone-sheets - The Ardnamurchan cone-sheet swarm, NW Scotland (2015)
- Nannofossils: the smoking gun for the Canarian hotspot (2015)
- Ancient oral tradition describes volcano-earthquake interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. (2015)
- Magmatic water contents determined through clinopyroxene (2015)
- Nannofossils in 2011 El Hierro eruptive products reinstate plume model for Canary Islands (2015)
- The role of eclogite in the mantle heterogeneity at Cape Verde (2014)
- Iceland's best kept secret (2014)
- The Rum Igneous Centre, Scotland (2014)
- Weibull-distributed dyke thickness reflects probabilistic character of host-rock strength (2014)
- Bimodal magmatism produced by progressively inhibited crustal assimilation (2014)
- Carbonatite ring-complexes explained by caldera-style volcanism (2013)
- Ardnamurchan 3D cone-sheet architecture explained by a single elongate magma chamber (2013)
- A sagging-spreading continuum of large volcano structure (2013)
- Petrology and geochemistry of igneous inclusions in recent Merapi deposits (2013)
- Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems (2013)
- Crustal differentiation processes at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2013)
- Resolving volatile sources along the western Sunda arc, Indonesia (2013)
- Origins of oblique-slip faulting during caldera subsidence (2013)
- Structural evolution of the apatite-iron oxide deposit at Grängesberg, Bergslagen, Sweden (2013)
- The pre-eruptive magma plumbing system of the 2007–2008 dome-forming eruption of Kelut volcano, East Java, Indonesia (2013)
- Experimental simulation of magma-carbonate interaction beneath Mt. Vesuvius, Italy (2013)
- Magmatic origin of giant 'Kiruna-type' apatite-iron-oxide ores in Central Sweden (2013)
- Textural relations and mineral chemistry of REE in the Grängesberg apatite-iron oxide deposit, Sweden (2013)
- The structure and morphology of the Basse Terre Island, Lesser Antilles volcanic arc (2013)
- Magmatic differentiation processes at Merapi Volcano (2013)
- Crustal volatile release at Merapi volcano; the 2006 earthquake and eruption events (2013)
- Textural history of recent basaltic-andesites and plutonic inclusions from Merapi volcano (2013)
- Iron and oxygen isotope characteristics of apatite-iron-oxide ores from central Sweden (2013)
- Open-system processes in the differentiation of mafic magma in the Teide-Pico Viejo succession, Tenerife (2013)
- Magmatic evolution of the Cadamosto Seamount, Cape Verde (2012)
- Traversing nature's danger zone: getting up close with Sumatra's volcanoes (2012)
- The Ongoing Volcanic Eruption of El Hierro, Canary Islands (2012)
- The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands) (2012)
- Magma plumbing beneath Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2012)
- Crustal versus source processes recorded in dykes from the Northeast volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands (2012)
- Dykes and structures of the NE rift of Tenerife, Canary Islands (2012)
- Lateral versus vertical emplacement in shallow-level intrusions? (2012)
- Experimental simulation of magma-carbonate interaction beneath Mt. Vesuvius, Italy (2012)
- Grön teknik slukar sällsynta metaller (2012)
- Low pressure experiments in piston cylinder apparatus (2012)
- La erupción submarina de La Restinga en la islade El Hierro, Canarias (2012)
- The submarine erupton of La Restinga (El Hierro, Canary Islands): (2012)
- Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption (2012)
- Crustal CO2 liberation during the 2006 eruption and earthquake events at Merapi volcano, Indonesia (2012)
- Bimodality of lavas in the teide-pico viejo succession in tenerife-the role of crustal melting in the origin of recent phonolites (2012)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjöll Volcanoes, Eastern Iceland (2011)
- Three-dimensional geometry of concentric intrusive sheet swarms in the Geitafell and the Dyrfjoll volcanoes, eastern Iceland (2011)
- A Volcanotectonic Survey of Ascraeus Mons, Mars (2011)
- Comment on "The distribution of basaltic volcanism on Tenerife, Canary Islands (2011)
- Evolution of ocean-island rifts (2011)
- Fast and furious; crustal CO2 loss at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. (2011)
- Recent research developments on the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland (2011)
- Geochronology of the Tardree Rhyolite Complex, Northern Ireland (2011)
- Merapi (Java, Indonesia): anatomy of a killer volcano (2011)
- Evidence for high fluid/melt content beneath Krakatau volcano (Indonesia) from local earthquake tomography (2011)
- The interaction between volcanoes and strike-slip, transtensional and transpressional fault zones (2011)
- Magma mixing in the 1100 AD Montaña Reventada composite lava flow, Tenerife, Canary Islands (2011)
- Boron isotopes in feldspar (2010)
- Magma-carbonate interaction processes and associated CO2 release at Merapi volcano, Indonesia: insights from experimental petrology (2010)
- Magma–Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology (2010)
- Magma–Carbonate Interaction Processes and Associated CO2 Release at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Insights from Experimental Petrology (2010)
- Vertical axis rotation of the upper portions of the north-east rift of Tenerife Island inferred from paleomagnetic data (2010)
- Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Miocene, Post-Caldera, Tejeda Intrusive Complex, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) (2010)
- Caldera Controversy at the Ring of Gullion, County Down (2010)
- The geometry of volcano flank terraces on Mars (2009)
- The NE Rift of Tenerife: towards a model on the origin and evolution of ocean island rifts (2009)
- Phreatomagmatic to strombolian eruptive activity of basaltic cinder cones: Montana Los Erales, Tenerife, Canary Islands (2009)
- The Southern Mountains Zone, Isle of Rum, Scotland: volcanic and sedimentary processes upon an uplifted and subsided magma chamber roof (2009)
- Introduction: from the British Tertiary into the future – modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces (2009)
- Volcanic and geochemical evolution of the Teno massif, Tenerife, Canary Islands (2009)
- The effects of flank collapses on volcano plumbing systems (2009)
- Magma Ascent along a Major Terrane Boundary (2009)
- Trace element and isotope constraints on crustal anatexis byupwelling mantle melts in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: anexample from the Isle of Rum, NW Scotland (2009)
- Early mafic magmatism and crustal anatexis on the Isle of Rum (2009)
- U-Pb TIMS zircon age constraints on the Tardree Rhyolite zircon fission track standard (2008)
- Organic coatings on blocks in block and ash flow deposits form Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. (2008)
- Golden Rum – understanding the ‘Forbidden Isle’ (2008)
- Engineering geology and future stability of the El Risco landslide, NW-Gran Canaria, Spain (2008)
- Upper mantle magma storage and transport under a Canarian shield-volcano, Teno, Tenerife (Spain) (2008)
- Dykes, cups, saucers and sills (2008)
- Dating the onset of volcanism at the Rum Igneous Centre, NW Scotland (2008)
- Reply to Comment on “Recent unrest at Canary Islands' Teide Volcano?” (2007)
- Sink or swim
- New augite and enstatite pyroxene standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volcano, Sunda arc, Indonesia
- A tale of two magmas
- The Geology of the Canary Islands (2016)
- Teide Volcano (2013)
- The Palaeocene Igneous Rocks of the Isle of Rum, Scotland (2008)
- North-East Atlantic Islands: The Macaronesian Archipelagos (2021)
- Analogue modelling of volcano flank terrace formation on Mars (2015)
- Discerning magmatic flow patterns in shallow-level basaltic dykes from the North-East Rift Zone of Tenerife, Spain using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique (2014)
- Geological Hazards in the Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- From Myth to Science (2013)
- Structural and Geological Elements of Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Eruptive Styles at the Teide Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Pre-Teide Volcanic Activity on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone (2013)
- Magma Mixing in the 1100 AD Montaña Reventada Composite Lava Flow (2013)
- Magmatic Differentiation in the Teide–Pico Viejo Succession (2013)
- Timing, Distribution and Petrological Evolution of the Teide-Pico Viejo Volcanic Complex (2013)
- Rapid high-silica magma generation in basalt-dominated rift settings (2015)
- O and C isotope study of Bastnäs-type rare earth element mineralisation, Bergslagen, Sweden (2015)
- 3D modelling of the Tejeda Caldera cone-sheet swarm, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (2015)
- Making Earth’s earliest continental crust (2014)
- Persistent shallow magma storage beneath Katla volcano (2014)
- Toba super-eruption fuelled by catastrophic roof disintegration (2014)
- 3D-model of the Rum central complex (2014)
- The role of CO2-rich basement at Merapi; perspectives from petrology, geochemistry, and experiments (2014)
- The sub-volcanic structure of the Alnö carbonatite complex, Sweden (2014)
- Chemcial fingerprinting of crystal populations from Sekincau, Marapi and Sinabung volcanoes, Sumatra (2014)
- The sub-Plinian eruption of Kelut volcano, 13th February 2014 (2014)
- Canary Island volcanism: fracture induced or mantle plume related? (2014)
- Origin and significance of the 2011 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Significance of 2011/201 El Hierro xeno-pumice (2014)
- Petrogenesis of Sumatra’s andesite volcanoes (2014)
- Reconstructing the plumbing system of Krakatau volcano (2014)
- Ancient oral tradition describes volcano-earthquake interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia (2014)
- Magma storage at Krakatau volcanic complex (2014)
- Voluminous outburst of silicic low d18O magma in NE-Iceland inferred from zircon d18O and U-Pb geochronology (2013)
- 3 or 1? 3D cone-sheet architecture provides insight into the centre(s) of Ardnamurchan (2013)
- Experimental simulation of crustal volatile release in magmatic conduits (2012)
- Petrogenesis of Voluminous Silicic Magma in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Silicic Magma Genesis in Neogene Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland (2012)
- Eroded Neogene Silicic Central Volcanoes in Northeast Iceland Revisited (2012)
- Viscosity controlled magma-carbonate interaction (2012)
- Magmatic vs crustal volatiles (2012)
- The mineral treasure that almost got away: Re-evaluating yesterday´s mine waste (2012)
- Tracing crustal contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia (2012)
- Tracing crustal contamination along the Java segment of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia (2012)
- A Sagging-Spreading Continuum for the Structure of Large Volcanoes on Terrestrial Planets (2011)
- Oxygen isotopes and geochemistry of Palaeoproterozoic Kiruna-type deposits in the Bergslagen province, Sweden (2011)
- Investigating magma plumbing beneath Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia (2010)
- REE distribution and mineralogy in a Palaeoproterozoic apatite-iron oxide deposit: Grängesberg, Bergslagen, Sweden (2010)